June 20, 2005

Out with the new, in with the old...

Mood: Still Sick.
Music: None.
Game: World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Forza, Planetside.
Book: The Lost Art of War, Sun Tzu II, Cleary Translation.
Muffin: Raspberry-Sweet Plum.
Punchline: None.

OK...it doesn't happen often, but sometimes, there's a real drought in games. Yes, new games get released every week...but most games are trite rehashes or patently utter crap.

Then again, summer isn't exactly well known for game releases. People spend more time outside than inside playing games. There's no major gift giving holidays. And if you're waiting until July/August, you might as well hold out for November. Give you a few months more hype, and the joy of the holiday purchasing frenzy.

But here's the deal: Lately, I've been more into the "Jump in and play" mode, rather than the "Plan my game day" mode. Which means I'm far better suited to first person shooters and racing games than role playing games.

I rented Forza from Gamefly...and found that I really like it. Turns out that all the fellas I used to Live! game with are into it in a big way...so I bought it.

Let me be the first to state this for the record: I patently SUCK at racing games...especially driving games. I think it's because I have no finesse with a controller. The accelerator is either not down, or stuck against the floor boards. The brake is binary for me...not analog. So all the feathery fine control schemas and tactics? Lost on me entirely. Point me in a direction, and pull the trigger.

But largely, my gaming experience is social. I find myself playing solo games less and less. The last one I tried, Jade Empires, held my attention for about 6 hours. I can't do it. I need socialization and some real competition.

So I've been enjoying it anyway. I'm really enjoying designing the paint schemes on the cars as well. I'm not any good at that, either...but it IS fun.

The fellas have also picked up Planetside again. It's definitely a fun game. Run and gun, some tactics, and getting to be the space commando you always wanted to be. Death is an annoyance, but not terribly so...although the frustration of being killed 30 times in a row with a chaingun is still there. Whatever...it's something new/old.

Drama check:

Lastly, yesterday, something vaguely disturbing happened. I was messing about with Forza, because I wanted to practice a bit before getting slaughtered on Tuesday at Jay's weekly race. I invited a few people on my friends list, and no one responded. Figured they were all in their own world, whatever.

So I race a bit by myself, then check my friends list again. Seems that Vitamin B and Keg O War are racing, and I can join them. So I do. Just in time to hear Vitamin B say "I'm gonna go invisible for a while. Justicar invited me to play. I didn't even know I still had him on my friends list. I definitely don't ever want to play with him." They talked a bit more...had no idea I was there. Didn't want to interrupt, so I left the room...kinda shocked.

Now...I don't really know Vitamin B. He's a friend of a friend kind of thing. But I'll be good and goddamned if I know what I did or said to him to make him say something like that to someone else "behind my back." I have to admit that it bothered me a lot.

I don't need everyone to like me. Heck, I don't like a bunch of people myself. But I don't go hiding from those people...and I don't say things like that to mutual friends of theirs. Hell, I never met the guy...never even had a conversation with him. No idea what his issue is. But, depending on my mood, I might just ask him on Tuesday at the race.

Because, you know, he never wants to play with me again. Maybe he'll get his wish.

Posted by Glenn at June 20, 2005 09:49 AM