September 26, 2005

And it's a new week.

Mood: Apprehension.
Music: None.
Game: World of Warcraft, America's Army.
Book: The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress, Robert Heinlein.
Muffin: None, but I should have gotten one. I'm hungry.

So, this week looks to be hectic. Not all fact, not much bad at all...but it's an unusual week when I have plans for every night and most of the weekend.

Dinner with friends tonight and Wednesday, Serenity opens on Friday, chores on Tuesday and Thursday, cousin's wedding on Saturday, taking care of stuff in storage on Sunday.

On top of that, as I write this, there are movers at my Mom's house, packing up the last of things, and moving stuff out to ship to Florida. Tomorrow, my Mom's on a plane to move down there for good.

In spite of me living all over the place, my Mom's never lived anywhere outside of New York. Ever. Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan...she even went to school at Cortland, which is in upstate New York. In short, she's been here pretty much her whole life...and so she's sad about leaving. I'd imagine that part of the sad is nervous...she doesn't like being so far away from me and Eric...although Eric moved to Michigan a long time ago and never really looked back.

I suppose as you get older, you like your safety nets more...I know I always have...and she's headed down to Florida with only my Grandmother and Grandfather as support. It's really the other way around, I'm pretty sure...she's there to support them. I think my mother is going to miss her friends, her city, her family, her job...lots of changes for her this year.

She'll be OK. She's always been a survivor, and I'm here for her if and when she needs. Of course, my mom, like me, is a control freak, and is probably losing her mind at the moment, trying to direct 4-6 movers at the same time. I hope she just goes out, gets a bagel and some coffee, then comes back to find everything packed. She won't, of course.

It's funny how my whole life is scattered like so many seeds across a huge field. My mother will be in Florida, my brother, Michigan. Friends in Boston, Wisconsin, New York, London, Hong Kong, Tokyo. Fookus in Seattle. Keith in Ohio. Cousin in San Francisco.

I've heard about people who are born, live, and die, all within a 20 mile radius. Entire towns where everyone knows everybody else. All living together as a community.

What an odd concept.

My community is a fine net, spread over the world. I wonder if it's generational...or if I'm just different.

Knowing me, I'm probably just different.

Posted by Glenn at September 26, 2005 11:05 AM

hey glenn, thanks for turning off the typekey crap. I hope your spammers stay at bay--I enjoy commenting and it's much easier this way. Those bastards.

Posted by: Maria at September 26, 2005 06:40 PM

Where in Florida is she moving too? Please dont say Sun City Center...

Posted by: Jehoshaphat at September 27, 2005 07:50 AM
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