February 17, 2006

Hack hack hack...

Mood: Good.
Music: The Logical Song, Supertramp
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2, Full Auto
Book: Snow Crash, Neal Stephenson. Yes, again.
Weather: It was sunny and clear again...it's dark out now, though.
Jobs applied to today: 3

I've added a counter for the number of jobs I applied to. Maybe you'll find it interesting, and maybe it'll be interesting for me to look back on it.

Today is Princess Beedril's birthday. She doesn't read this blog, know what a blog is, or even really care, probably. Happy birthday Princess Beedril! So when you look back at this, you can see I said Happy Birthday to you in 2006.

Anyway, I spent a huge chunk of time today hacking the location php for the raid tool. The original php was completely broken...misplaced code, variables missing or just wrong, and so on. I jumbled and rewrote for hours. It largely works now. I need to fix two or three more quirks, mainly in the error checking, before I think it's done.

I had a pesky bug that I absolutely could not track down. Smitty took a look at it, and in a few minutes, figured out the problem. A missing close-quote. Isn't that wonderful. I spent almost an hour looking for the problem. I learned the error message and behavior. I should be able to prevent that in the future. Or at least correct it quickly if it happens again.

I also juggled around some credit card balances to decrease some interest rates. Hopefully, I'll be able to chunk down the credit cards over the next year...and after that, we look for a house.

Been sitting in front of the computer a good part of today, so I'm gonna go read on the couch for a bit, then probably get into bed.

Posted by Glenn at February 17, 2006 10:11 PM
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