February 18, 2006


Mood: A touch sleepy.
Music: Paint It, Black, Rolling Stones
Game: World of Warcraft, COD2, Full Auto
Book: Beginning PHP5, Apache, MySQL Web Development, Naramore, Gerner, et al.
Weather: Sunny and cold.
Jobs applied to today: 1 (It's Saturday. Most people don't post job listings on Saturday.)

Last night, I ended up coding until 5am. Of course, a portion of that was watching Alexander...which you could definitely avoid like the plague-ridden piece of obnoxious garbage that it is. Oliver Stone's lost his mind. Although I'm not at all sure it was there in the first place.

A good portion of it was installing and configuring Apache, PHP5, and MySQL on my computer, however...which was surprisingly easier than I would have thought it to be. Traditionally, I have a mess of problems installing such things on my computer because of all sorts of patches and quirks and such. But aside from a few minor errors on MY part, it went very well, and now it works.

This is cool, because it gives me a place to really mess about learning code. I know I could probably do such a thing on the ijsmp server if I asked...but I don't feel comfortable messing about with things I don't understand on someone else's boxen. So I have an AMP environment at home now. Go me.

I also spent a fair amount of time looking at the code for the raid tool, and frankly, it's a real mess. The more I understand what's been done, the more I see better ways to do it. There are all sorts of inconsistencies in the code. It's pretty bad, really.

Today, I'm going to focus on the templates...because they have hardcoded stuff in it that really shouldn't be. I can wedge some php in there that will make it work better.

I also want to get rid of some of the pretty horrific design. While some people think it's clever to have every last thing on a WoW-related site look like it was designed by Blizzard, I'm more inclined to have it look functional and less ornamental. The borders and corners and little gargoyle dragons and goofy typeface is overdone.

I know I should focus on the code, first, and I will. But I just want to get rid of some of the more obviously offending imagery....

No real plans this weekend...so I'll probably spend it coding and playing games. How unusual, I know.

Posted by Glenn at February 18, 2006 12:03 PM
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