February 17, 2007

Haven't I Seen This One Before?

Mood: Tired.
Music: Darling Nikki, Prince
Game: Gears of War, Battlefield 2142, Crackdown, Various Arcade Games, a bit of WoW
Book: Nothing. Need to find something.
Watching: Not much.
Weather: Clear, cool.

So work's been pretty tiring lately.

However, earlier this week, I found out that I'm actually headed to London.

Like, in a few hours.

There's a major project I've been working on, and after really assessing the situation, I decided that there was a better, more efficient way to do something. That better way required us to get some folks on board with the plan, then train them on how to do it.

Since the pilot of this plan takes place in the UK, I'm headed to London.

It'll be cool...see some old friends, catch a few of the old restaurants, and so on.

I miss London. I miss the one pound coins, and the tube, and all that.

That was a pretty good time in my life. I'm not unhappy now, of course, but looking back, even though I was busy, and crazed, and all that...it was still a pretty good time.

Maybe I'll update the blog a bit while I'm in the UK, tell folks what I'm up to. I suspect I'll have enough down time at work.....

Posted by Glenn at February 17, 2007 11:44 AM

I've been reading a bunch of Neil Gaiman lately and enjoying it. Dunno if you've already read his stuff, but maybe check it out if you don't have any better ideas.


Posted by: matt at February 17, 2007 03:24 PM



Posted by: Firethorn at February 19, 2007 05:04 PM
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