February 26, 2007

So, in closing...

Mood: Tired...surprised?
Music: He Got Game, Public Enemy.
Game: Battlefield 2142, World of Warcraft, Crackdown.
Book: Flags of Our Fathers, James Bradley
Watching: Nothing.
Weather: Cloudy, cool.

Long trip home...no surprise. Couldn't really sleep all that much on the plane this time.

The food was less than appetizing (shocking, right?) Couldn't get comfortable. Guess it was a function of sleeping on a rock-hard mattress for a week, then trying to sleep in a reclining seat.

Yeah, Club World is better than coach by a long shot...but still wasn't what one would normally consider comfortable.

Was great getting home. Chelsea took care of me...fed me, let me deal with unpacking, playing games, and so on. No chores. I did do my laundry.

Am I ready to get back to work? No, probably not. I probably could stand a few days to nap and get back on proper time zone. But I do need to ensure that the trial kicks off the way it's supposed to.

So...final observations:
- Who picks those movies for the airlines? Like, is it some department of movie choosing?
- Was good to see my friends on Friday night. Funny...they seem to have better stories about me than I do.
- Funny how little people change after a certain point. I mean, I was basically sitting at a table with what amounted to the leaders of the interactive world in London. I suspect that a photo of all those people would start all sorts of rumors...or be considered an industry party. But they were just friends.
- Yeah, I think I could live in London again.
- For a while there, all I could think was "Sheesh...can I just get back on the tube and go home?"
- I didn't make it up to Hampstead. Maybe next time.
- I did get some work done on the plane. So that's good.
- How good is Miserlou? Amazing. I love surf rock.
- I think I'll probably go in early and settle in...get things organized for today.
- I wish I could say my involvement on this project is over...but it likely isn't by a longshot.
- Of course, I'm debating going back to bed. But I know that would be a mistake.
- I'm already dreading lunch. Can we get some real food up in here?
- Overall, I'd say that the trip was a success. We accomplished what we set out to do, as well as made believers of most of the detractors. Folks in the US have no idea that, in London, things are typically done face to face. It's a cultural thing. In fact, it's largely true in the rest of the world, except the US. A conference call is NOT a replacement for a proper sit-down.
- I learned a lot from the people I met with. Which was kinda the point.
- Early Public Enemy is really good.
- My Portabrace fell apart on the plane home. Time to get it all restitched again.

I'll see if I can keep the updates coming on a more timely basis...now, I need to pack my bag for work.

Posted by Glenn at February 26, 2007 06:07 AM

Early Public Enemy is great, ill have to get out my 'He Got Game' CD

Posted by: Doc at February 28, 2007 03:57 PM