March 07, 2007


Mood: Tired.
Music: Vasoline, Stone Temple Pilots.
Game: Battlefield 2142, World of Warcraft, Crackdown.
Book: Nothing.
Watching: Nothing.
Weather: Clear, slightly cool. Great weather.

Yesterday would have been my father's 64th birthday. So happy birthday, dad.

Several months (years?) ago, I wrote that being in a cab or car riding up the FDR alongside the East River at night is one of the things that makes me happiest. Last night, I needed to take a cab home from work, and rode down the viaduct at night. It's not the same...but it still made me smile. I wonder if dogs hang their head out the window for the same reason...or more to the point, I'm happy for the same reason dogs hang their heads out the window. Maybe I need a motorcycle.

Walking on the way to work from the bus, it occurred to me that I'd watched at LEAST 3 movie/tv/mini-series versions of Dune. And they all suck. Is it a tribute to Tolkien's skill as a storyteller that the Rings trilogy more easily translates to visuals than Herbert's Dune? Or is it a tribute to Herbert's skill as a storyteller that Dune doesn't? I spent a good 20 minutes debating it in my head, and got no further along in the argument. Definite film mongo geek bar argument...the kind of thing that would have kept us entertained for a night. This might make a good blog entry.

I've been given a minion for a few days. A new global coordinator has started, and my co-worker, his supervisor, basically said that it would be good experience for him to work alongside me. I think I'm flattered.

I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday morning. Haven't been feeling great lately, and I'm almost 39. Time for serious checkups. You know, like colonoscopies and prostate exams and such. Oh boy. On the other hand, I can think of things I'd rather do than say, get cancer. So it seems to be a good, practical long term decision, y'know?

When did I get old? Oh, 15 years ago.

Every now and again, a friend calls, writes, or IMs me for advice on something or another. It always makes me smile. It reminds me of my very first job out of college: IT Assistant in the NYU computer lab. (Yeah, I only had it for about 3 months while I pestered Broadcast Arts to hire me as a camera operator.) Anyway, I would sit behind a desk with a sign on it that said "The Oracle." People would come up to me and ask questions, and I would answer them (usually without even moving from my tilted-back chair...IT support in a closed environment ain't exactly challenging) and say "You owe the Oracle..." and name some ridiculous thing. "You owe the Oracle a pristine copy of Action Comics #1!" "You owe the Oracle one lemon meringue cream pie!" While I never actually got any of the things I asked for, I did get a lot of laughs, giggles, free food and drink, 2 tickets to a Mets game, and more than one invitation to a party or date.

OK. Time to jump into the shower and do my morning ablutions so I can head to work. Week two of the trial today...let's hit this one out of the park, UK.....

Posted by Glenn at March 7, 2007 07:38 AM

You need a motorcycle? If you end up with one then I may need a vallium perscription.

Also, you can't drive a car. As I understand it, that is easier to do than drive a motorcycle.

Also-also I love you, so don't get smooshed. That would be teh sux. kthxby.

Posted by: Mrs. Mr. Fookus at March 8, 2007 04:54 PM
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