March 12, 2007

I have seen this...

Mood: Here we go again.
Music: Flat Beat, Mr. Oizo.
Game: Battlefield 2142, Crackdown.
Book: Hanging Out With The Dream King, Joseph McCabe.
Watching: Nothing.
Weather: Clear, slightly cool...I think. It's dark out there.

I've noticed that, quite often, I'll be doing something, or I'll see something, and a flood of memories comes back regarding that thing. Either a way I've done something before, or memories of something else I've seen that reminds me of it. It's happening more frequently as I get older. I guess that's what they call experience.

I saw 300 on Friday afternoon. See it. It's gorgeous, and violent. It's probably the exact opposite of a chick flick, if there is such a thing. Seeing this movie with a bunch of male friends is probably the closest thing to a bonding exercise without actually spilling blood yourself.

I need a few days off. I feel myself getting crispy around the edges. I'm tired a lot now. It's not a depressed tired. More a mental tired. I need some mindless entertainment, some relaxation, some good food....

I suppose it's telling that most of the music I buy on iTunes is from the 80s and early 90s.

Speaking of, I'm 39 in a few weeks. Jeez. When the fuck did THAT happen? You ever get the feeling you're just cruising through your life? Funny how the years seemed much longer when I was younger.

It's exactly like the United States to decide to adjust Daylight Savings Time instead of just getting rid of it. "I have an idea! Let's maintain the age-old tradition of adjusting clocks, which was mainly for farmers, because they didn't have electric light to allow them to work...but let's tweak it so that there are thousands of patches, adjustments, and other things that need to be done since all those computers and such automatically adjust for dayloght savings....but do it WRONG!" Hooray.

I have a bet that there are thousands of computers and such with incorrect time at the moment, and it will cause no end of problems this week until they're adjusted.

Now I'll get ready for work...and start planning some days off. Maybe next week?

Posted by Glenn at March 12, 2007 07:35 AM

I've noticed that, quite often, I'll be doing something, or I'll see something, and a flood of memories comes back regarding that thing. Either a way I've done something before, or memories of something else I've seen that reminds me of it. It's happening more frequently as I get older. I guess that's what they call experience.

That is beautiful, and true.

What higher praise?


Posted by: Marianne. at March 23, 2007 03:21 AM
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