February 21

Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!  I wish I were there to celebrate it with you, but at least my brother should be there now, and we’ll be down in a couple of days.

Meanwhile, about today:  I needed to stop at the bank, so we left a little early for the infusion, and signed in at the hospital at 10:40 for our 11:00 appointment.  They took me for vitals a bit after 11.  Dr. S was in clinic, so his nurse examined me and cleared me for the infusion.  I was clearly feeling better, had regained some flexibility in my ankle (but it’s still much weaker than the other one).  My liver is still palpable but less so than two weeks ago.  There’s a tender spot, but no real soreness and no pain.  We are happy.

At 12:15 I was in a chair, but they didn’t start the infusion for an hour.  The nurse dealing with me was also mentoring a staff nurse in chemo procedures, so everything was even more deliberate than usual.  Besides, “my” nurse seemed to be in great demand from everyone.  What with one thing and another, the two hour infusion was three hours long.  I’m unhappy about that because it’s one hour less of the last drug (the one I’m infusing until Thursday morning).  But we do what we can.

Meanwhile, we signed a release (and paid $45) to have the slides sent over for the second opinion; we obtained a note from the nurse which should enable me to go upstairs early Thursday, and Dr. S stopped by to see us and said he wanted to check my belly before we left.

That didn’t thrill me because it was already so late, and by the time they had disconnected me from whatever and reconnected me to the pump I was so ready to be out of there, and he, of course, was with another patient by then, so it was another fifteen minute wait.  But he was pleased with his exam, so we are hopeful.

I am exhausted.  I am thrilled that there is improvement.  Happy Thanksgiving.  And happy anniversary, Mom and Dad.

One thought on “February 21

  1. So glad you’re going to celebrating with your parents soon, Mara. Happy anniversary, Dr. and Mrs. Chibnik. Thinking of you all.

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