February 22

Today was pretty rough.  I didn’t sleep well, and I didn’t manage to nap at all.  I worked this morning, and did some more clearing away of the main project I’m trying to finish up.

We did the last-minute laundry– Wednesday linens, but also any clothing since Monday.  I was physically tired by the time I’d folded everything, and feeling a little queasy, so I took a nausea pill.  I packed the last few items (stuff I wore yesterday) in my main suitcase, and updated the list for my carry-on bag.  Then I switched pocket books and put travel stuff (meds, my plastic bag of liquids and gels, etc.) into the large bag I’ll carry with me.

I don’t usually print my boarding passes on my printer (although I do print them out on my father’s printer, coming home), but I figured I’d get a jump on things.  Unfortunately, the only thing that printed was the bar code– no name, flight number, etc.  I don’t know why not.  I tried numerous attempts (saving as a pdf, taking a screen shot and printing that) but nothing worked, so we’ll have to reprint at the airport tomorrow.  Oh, well.

I didn’t want much lunch.  I ended up eating a banana, but I felt nauseated later and managed to give up some of it.  That seems to have quieted me down a bit, but I might take another pill before bedtime.

I had a lovely note from my niece in Arizona telling me something about her new apartment, which sounds very nice.  I wish I could see her more often, but I don’t see her sister much either, and her sister is pretty much in the neighborhood.

But it’s another day, and tomorrow will be hectic but largely beyond my control.  Once we get to the airport I will be Taken Care Of, by one person or another.  Happy Thanksgiving.

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