Fudge Musketeer Character: Louis

Copyright 1997 by Steffan O'Sullivan
This page last updated July 14, 1997

----Fudge Character Sheet---------    Character Name: Louis Re'don
|               Defaults:   | EP |    Genre: Musketeers
| +3 Superb                 | 8  |    Player:
| +2 Great                  | 4  |    Date Created: November, 1994
| +1 Good                   | 2  |    Unspent EP:
| +0 Fair ..... Attributes  | 1  |    Fudge Points: 2
| -1 Mediocre               | 1  |
| -2 Poor ..... Most Skills | 1  |    Character Story & Personality:
| -3 Terrible               | 1  |    Louis is a big, hearty, fun-loving soul.
|--------------------------------|     Of course, he's done everything, and
| Most Gifts and some Skills are |     tells anyone all about it at the drop
|  non-existent unless specified |     of a hat.  He was raised by an Arab
|  on the character sheet.       |     nurse, and so picked up a few words of
|--------------------------------|     Arabic as well as some knowledge of
| EP = Raising skills to that    |     the world beyond France.  He's very
|   level with Experience Points |     interested in learning more, though
----------------------------------     partying is a high priority.

             1,2        3,4         5,6          7,8           9+
Wounds:    Scratch      Hurt     Very Hurt     Incapac.     Nr. Death
           O  O  O       O           O             O             O

   Attributes:         |        Gifts:             |        Skills:
Wit  - - - -  Mediocre |  Patron: Captain of the   |  Fencing          Great
Will - - - -  Good     |          Musketeers       |  Pistol            Good
Charm  - - -  Good     |  Status: Gentleman        |  Musket           Great
                       |  Semi-Literate            |  Knife           Superb
Dexterity - - Great    |  Combat Reflexes          |
Strength  - - Great    |    (not easily surprised) |  Acrobatics       Great
Fitness - - - Good     |  High Pain Threshold      |  Riding            Good
                       |    (no penalty at Hurt,   |
-----------------------|     only -1 at Very Hurt) |  Move Quietly     Great
    Equipment:         |                           |  Climbing          Good
-----------------------|                           |
Epee   (Dmg Pot: +4  ) |                           |  Geography     Mediocre
Knife  (Dmg Pot: +3  ) |                           |  Carousing         Good
Pistol (Dmg Pot: +3  ) |                           |  Gambling          Good
Musket (Dmg Pot: +6  ) |---------------------------|  Streetwise        Fair
                       |        Faults:            |  Merchant          Fair
Cloak, Change of       |---------------------------|  Tactics       Mediocre
       Clothes         |  Sense of Duty to your    |
                       |     Companions            |
Belt Pouch             |  Gentleman's Code of      |  Language:
Pistol Ammo: 20 rounds |     Honor                 |   Arabic       Mediocre
Musket Ammo: 20 rounds |  Duty to the King         |
                       |  Boaster                  |
                       |  Curious                  |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |
                       |                           |

Go to Henri, a former doctor
Go to Jean-Luc, a reformed thief (next)
Go to Philippe, a country boy at heart
Go to Jacques, a demolition expert
Go to Pierre, strong as a bear
Go to Danielle, a femme fatale

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