Oh New Mexico how I love thee! This page is about providing useful information to people who plan to visit New Mexico. Ok, it really isn't about that at all but that is what we're pretending it's about for the purposes of the class.
Similar to the way we wanted to prevent spiders from being jarred by content shift in the calendar (oh, excuse me, I mean what is hatch green chile) and heraldry (oops I did it again, I mean New Mexico Chile) pages, we don't want our friends over in Mountain View to realize what's going on. It doesn't really matter to me as The Hatch Chile Store already ranks phenomenally well but it matters for the sake of the illustration in the class so we'll talk a little bit about King Arthur here. On second thought, why don't we just pull in some excepts of what used to be on the arthur page? Here you go:
to our version of Will's Homepage, now called
Hatch Chile Central (can you guess