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From October of 1997 to August 1998 I was the Mayor of FurryMUCK

The sole power and responsibility of the Mayor is to change the name of the currency.  For more information visit FurryMUCK Elections, a part of Jahangiri's History of FurryMUCK site.

What makes a good Mayor?

In my opinion, a good Mayor has these qualities:

What makes a good currency?

Our New Mayor!

I wish to congratulate Inari, the new Mayor of FurryMUCK!  I hope her term is as fun as mine was!

Toast's Currency List:

October 1997 November 1997
December 1997 January 1998
February 1998 March 1998
April 1998 May 1998
June 1998 July 1998
August 1998

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