Alpha Phi Omega is a National Coed Service Fraternity. It's three cardinal principles are Leadership, Friendship & Service. And, yes, before you ask, it can still be a fraternity even though it is Coed. APO (as we liked to call it) was founded based on the principles of the Boy Scouts of America. While most fraternities do some philanthropic work, that is what APO is all about. Blood drives, charity fundraisers, and that sort of thing. When I got to Clark APO was just getting started there, and I became one of ther chartering brothers of the Alpha Gamma Beta (AGB) Chapter. My name is on the charter an everything. I always thought that was kind of cool. While I have not been terribly active with the fraternity in the past few years I will always treasure my experience and my membership, not to mention all the friends I got out of it. And, as active at the Alumni Associations are, maybe someday I'll have enough time to get involved again.
APO's National web site is