[Toast's Homepage]
[Toast's Furry Art]
[Short Short Story Index]
[The Mayor of FurryMUCK]
I'm still learning as an artist, but I'm putting stuff here for you to see, and most
especially comment on. Tips and constructive criticism are welcome, though if you have an
encouraging word to say, I'd love to hear that too. 8:)
Contact me and let me know what you think.
Well, now that I've been working fulltime, I haven't been drawing, but
I was inspired this week. I hope I'll be able to make this a habit.
Let this be a lesson to all aspiring artists:
Keep Practicing!
I'm hosting a page for Johnny Blanco!
He's another new artist, so please check it out!
Older images are available:
Here's a quick sketch of my Albedo character, Onya.
Onya likes to dance.
A self portrait!
A rough pencil sketch...the idea started as a pose that turned horribly
wrong...I hope I can clean this up eventually, but it seemed too cute not to share.
The slinkiest mink on the MUCK: Ytaya!
Here's a sketch I did in Fuzzybear's sketchbook at AAC!
Thanks for the scan, Fuzzybear!
It's about time I drew a skunk! Drew this one at Worldcon.
Just a rough sketch, but maybe I'll fix it up someday.
Been real busy with two jobs. Wish I had more time to draw,
and practice. Obviously, I still need lots of practice. *lesigh*
My first attempt at pencil coloring...Obviously I still need a lot of
Somewhere in time...a young mouse discovers a discontinuity that
threatens the fabric of spacetime.
Happy Birthday, HoneyBadger! Love from all of us at the burrow!!!
Raster, HoneyBadger, Bigears, Angel_Bear, Austin_Dern,
Royce, Toast, Samwise, Airhead, and JackRabbit
(All (C) their players, of course!)
A very experimental piece. I'd really love to hear comments on this one.
Another practice vixen! 8=)
This pose was taken from a
Victoria's Secret catalog.
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[Toast's Furry Art]
[Short Short Story Index]
[The Mayor of FurryMUCK]
Last update was on Saturday, 11-Nov-2000 22:58:13 EST.
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Comments? jpeterso@panix.com
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