Month: April 2011

He’s Officially Running

Yes, leave me off your mailing list

A while ago, I demanded that my email be removed from the OFA list, so I did not get the email blast announcing the fact that Barack Obama is officially running for reelection.

I’m just glad that I live in Maryland, because if my vote counted here, I might have to vote for him again.

Thankfully, my vote does not matter, so I don’t have a moral dilemma:  I can write in Howard Dean.

Download This Before It’s Scrubbed From the Net

Yeah, not funny…Right.

This video, “Conspiracy Theory Rock, was shown once on Saturday Night Live, (link is to higher quality Youtube with embedding disabled) but it is never shown on reruns, because Lorn Michaels says that it is “Not Funny.”

You know, I guess if Robert Smigel cut a new one with my paymasters at GE & NBC, and detailed how they used their media power to produce propaganda for their parent firms, I might not find it funny either.

And the Winner for Best April Fools Prank of 2011 Is…

Click for full size


The US Army:

In a fingertip-to-the-brim nod to its American frontier history, the Army is changing hats again – returning to the tumultuous days of the horse Cavalry in the wild west and adopting a dark blue Stetson as the official headgear for the current force of 1.1 million Soldiers.

“We figure the Stetson will be popular with the troops,” said Sgt. Maj. Bob S. Stone, Army Uniform Board headgear task force president. “It’s been a while since we have changed the headgear, so it’s time. Plus a Stetson is functional and down right American.”

But reminiscent of the controversial switch from the garrison cap to the black beret, the Army faces opposition from one community deeply opposed to losing its special identity with the Stetson – the Armor branch.

“Why in the heck are they doing to us what they did to the snake-eaters?” asked one officer familiar with the board’s deliberations. “If you ain’t Cav, you ain’t ought to be wearing a Cav hat. That just ain’t right.”

The Pentagon is generally the last place I would expect a good sense of humor, so props to the US Army.

Republican Terrorists Blow Up Police Officer

OK, it’s Irish Republican Terrorists who did this.

This is the first of a continuing series Fox News Headlines.

Seriously, have you ever spent 5 minutes reading their headline ticker?

I do not mean to diminish the senseless and tragic death of Ronan Kerr, nor the impact on Omaugh, which saw a horrific bombing by the so-called “Real IRA” 13 years ago, but I was waiting for service with a channel tuned to Fux Snooze today, and it got me pissed off.


Sharon* had a conference today so I took the kids to a movie.  Because of the schedule, we saw Hop.

It’s not even worth a write up. 

It was completely unmemorable, with a standard “Santa Claus faces an evil elf revolt” and “Two slackers come to responsibility” themes intertwined.

It was simply unmemorable and inoffensive, and you already saw most of the good bits in the coming attractions.

*Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.