Bush Official Flips Out

He is impassioned, vocal, and wrong.

Standard Bushie industry flak.

Bush official goes nuclear in Net Neut row

By Gavin Clarke in San Francisco
Published Friday 22nd June 2007 01:00 GMT

Supernova 2007 A San Francisco tech show degenerated into a shouting match today, after a pugnacious Bush commerce official squared off with heated supporters of net neutrality.

John Kneuer, the assistant secretary for communications and information, quickly lost his temper and began shouting back at Supernova 2007 attendees after taking flack for saying the free market – not government intervention – would protect internet innovation and access.

Taking a brief time out from shouting his responses at delegates who’d rejected his claims the free market has ensured consumer choice in US broadband internet access, Kneuer remarked in an aside: “I started out very politely.”

That came seconds after he told delegates what they really wanted was for the government to mandate terms and conditions of internet service in the US.

“That’s absolutely what you are asking for!” he shouted to counter-shots of “no!” and “there is no market place!”, referring to the fact a handful of phone and cable companies control the lion share of broadband internet access and service in the US.

Increasingly, it seems, those companies will be allowed by the Government to charge for different levels of internet service – ending net neutrality.

Kneuer, who previously served with a Washington DC law firm representing telecoms companies, had fueled the crowd’s anger during a short Supernova presentation.


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