OK, This is a Story of a Celebrity Connected Drug Bush

Which generally means that I don’t write about it.

As I have said about She Who Must Not Be Named, and They Who Must Not Be Named:

Absent some sort of political activity, such as endorsements, running for office (PLEASE GOD NO!!), or their attempting to assassinate someone, she will not be mentioned here.

So why am I writing about the arrest of Sherry L. Johnston on drug charges that appear to be associated with possession or distribution of Oxycontin.

Why am I writing about a small time drug bust in the small town of Wasilla, Alaska….Hold it….Wasilla, where Sarah Palin comes from, and Johnston, like the guy, Levi, who knocked up her teenage daughter?

Yes, Sherry L. Johnston is Levi’s mom….And Levi Johnston and and Bristol Palin are still engaged to be married, and her baby is due today, though a quick scan of the ADN web site shows that the birth has not yet been anounced.

So, why am I mentioning it?

Let’s see:

  • Palin thought that it was significant that Obama worked on a community board with William Ayers, and now her future in-law is charged with being a drug dealer.
    • So by Sarah Palin’s own standards, she’s involved.
  • Palin was just the vice-presidential nominee, and shows every indication of wanting to run for president in 2012.
  • Wasilla was a sleepy town in the middle of nowhere when Palin became mayor, and by the time she left, it was known as the “Meth Capital of Alaska,” probably because she fired the competent police chief and replaced him with her own goon.

So, yes, this is noteworthy, particularly if your name is Jay Leno, Conan O’Brien, David Letterman, or Jon Stewart.

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