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In California, Republicans are refusing to even allow tax increases to be voted on, so Treasurer Bill Lockyer and Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg are suggesting that cuts be targeted in Republican districts:

With no agreement in sight on how to close the state’s remaining $15.4 billion deficit, some Democrats are discussing targeting GOP districts with steeper cuts if legislative Republicans will not vote for a solution that includes taxes.

“You don’t want to pay for government, well then, you get less of it,” Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg told reporters Wednesday.

If other options fail, the Sacramento Democrat said he is willing to consider a targeted cuts approach like one laid out by Treasurer Bill Lockyer, who has suggested that an all-cuts state budget should focus on the districts of lawmakers who oppose putting $11 billion in tax extensions before voters.

“When it comes to kids or the vulnerable, I wouldn’t want to make distinctions between who lives in a Democratic district and who lives in a Republican district, but when it comes to sort of basic services, convenience services that affect adults … I have an open mind,” he told reporters after speaking at a Sacramento Press Club luncheon.

What he is referring to here as “convenience services” is (I hope) things like DMV offices, vehicle inspection stations, agricultural extension offices, etc.

Good for him.

One of the reasons that there are so many no taxes ever lunatics out there is because they manage to structure taxation, and benefits, such that other people pay for their services, and this needs to stop.

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