Sorry Felix, You are Wrong

Yesterday, I talked about Dave Dayen and Yves Smith’s take on the settlement, and their take was “bankster bailout”, and I noted that Felix Salmon’s take was that it was a good thing.

Well, now the journalist who is I think the best person (this side of Jon Stewart, anyway) at distilling the complexities of Wall Street to you average reader, Matt Taibbi has weighed in, and not only is he calling bailout for Wall Street crooks, but he apologizes for his earlier optimism. What’s more, he distills what it all means in one paragraph:

But this deal not only doesn’t end robosigning, it officially makes getting caught for it inexpensive. Shame on me for ever thinking that might be a good thing.

That is the final word.  Fraud and forgery have been given a price tag, and it’s less than 2 grand.

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