Whiny Bitches

Senate Democrats who are upset because some incumbent are catching heat because they completely caved on gun control:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s aides met recently with staffers of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg to warn them: Targeting vulnerable Democrats like Arkansas’s Mark Pryor on gun control could backfire on the party, several sources told POLITICO.

It didn’t work.

Ads from the Bloomberg-funded Mayors Against Illegal Guns are going up soon in Alaska, Arkansas and North Dakota — three states with Democratic senators who broke with the White House on last month’s background checks vote.

The group is also moving as many as 60 field organizers into about a dozen states where senators — Democrats and Republicans — voted against bill, with the goal of building infrastructure and countering gun rights groups like the National Rifle Association.


Bloomberg’s group has made its choice: Its radio spots in Arkansas will target the state’s African-American community, “without which Mark Pryor doesn’t have a prayer of getting reelected,” said Mark Glaze, director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns.


Pryor, first elected to the Senate in 2002, claimed he’s not worried about his poor poll numbers or possible challengers, including GOP Rep. Tom Cotton, or whether MAIG or other progressive groups dump money into the race.

Shades of the contemptible Blanche Lincoln in the final graph.

When progressives decided to go after Lincoln, she already was polling lower than a case of the Clap, but somehow the primary challenge is why she lost by 20 points.

To quote Harry S Truman, “Given a choice between a fake Republican and a real one, the public will choose the real Republican every time,”and that is what happened to Lincoln, and is likely to happen to Pryor.

It’s always the same refrain in the DC incumbent protection racket, “He’s a ratf%$#, but the Republicans are scary, so we need to waste resources on a politician who wouldn’t be worth it if he were polling well.”

We know why Pryor voted the way he did, because he was running scared, and the voters of Arkansas know that too, which is why they will not be inclined to vote for him.  The pander is too blatant.

Yes, I hang up on both the DSCC and the DCCC, because I do not trust them to support candidates who support Democratic Party values, and because they spend their money stupidly.

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