I’m Matthew Saroff, and I Approve of this Grandstanding

Elizabeth Warren has proposed a bill that would set student loan rates at the same percentage as what the Federal Reserve offers to the too big to fail banks:

Students taking out government loans to help pay for college should pay the same rock-bottom interest rate that the Federal Reserve charges big banks, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) proposed Wednesday.

With the interest rate on federal student loans set to double to 6.8% this summer, Warren said it’s unfair that big banks can borrow money at 0.75% from the central bank’s discount window.

“In other words, the federal government’s going to charge interest rates nine times higher than the rates they charge the biggest banks — the same banks that destroyed millions of jobs and nearly broke the economy,” Warren said in introducing her first stand-alone bill since taking office in January.

“That isn’t right,” she said.


Warren acknowledged that the Fed’s policy, which also includes a near-0% federal funds rate, is designed to help boost the economy by providing cheap credit.

But, she said, “our students are just as important to the economic recovery as our banks.”

“Let’s face it: Banks get a great deal when they borrow money from the Fed,” she said. “In effect, the American taxpayer is investing in those banks. “

“We should make the same kind of investment in our young people who are trying to get an education,” Warren said.

This is cheap pandering.

Even worse, it’s never gonna see the floor of the Senate.

That being said, someone needed to ask the question why the rest of us do not get the deal the banksters do.

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