Props to Gawker for This Trenchant Analysis

Neetzan Zimmerman at Gawker wonders why, “CNN Can’t Stop Giving Jon Stewart Stuff to Make Fun Of.” Honestly, so do I:

Standing in the parking lot outside the courthouse, Ashleigh Banfield and Nancy Grace appeared on a split-screen via satellite to discuss the proceedings.

But, as their backdrop soon revealed, the two talking heads were actually in the very same parking lot, six whole parking spots away from each other, according to an Atlantic Wire analysis.

Well, either that, or as Stewart suggested, viewers were witnessing Arizona’s fabled “seven-mile long Bus Ness Monster.”

Stewart has every reason to complain about CNN’s lack of professionalism, but if they ever did get their sh%$ together, his show would be half as long.

I think that this is a bit strong.  While CNN makes Jon Stewart job easier, I think that his show would still work without them.

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