If You are a Disgusting Corrupt Evil Person, a Twitter Q&A is Not Recommended

In this case, it is the woman whose business model is profiting on the misery of our children, former DC Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee who was surprised to encounter a well deserved buzz saw instead cute fuzzy kittens:

Apparently having learned nothing from last year’s #AskJPM and #AskRKelly debacles, controversial education reformer Michelle Rhee announced on Wednesday that she’d be answering questions from folks on Twitter using a hashtag of her own: #AskMichelle.

Anyone who isn’t a complete moron, as well as Michelle Rhee fan Matt Yglesias, realized this, but Rhee, because her evil is only exceeded by her feeling of her self worth disagreed:

@mattyglesias Make a New Years resolution to be positive, Matt! #AskMichelle
— Michelle Rhee (@MichelleRhee) January 15, 2014


.Dear @MichelleRhee, why have you never come clean about the cheating scandal in DC? You preach accountability but take none. #AskMichelle.
— Prison Culture (@prisonculture) January 15, 2014

#AskMichelle Why didn’t the StudentsFirstNY canvassers outside my school identify themselves, instead of just asking for signatures?
— Molly Knefel (@mollyknefel) January 15, 2014

#AskMichelle @MichelleRhee Do you think kindergarteners should have to take standardized tests? http://t.co/x3e30VDtR7
— Sarah Jaffe (@sarahljaffe) January 15, 2014

#AskMichelle is it a coincidence that state policies you rank as best have terrible outcomes and are radically right wing? @MichelleRhee
— Sam Knight (@samknight1) January 15, 2014

.@MichelleRhee Why aren’t Students First’s donors featured on your website? #AskMichelle
— Prison Culture (@prisonculture) January 15, 2014

.@MichelleRhee Why did you support OH’s Senate Bill 5 that stripped collective bargaining rights from all Ohio public workers? #AskMichelle
— Doug Foote (@FooteSteppes) January 15, 2014

Why won’t you disclose all your funding sources? #AskMichelle @MichelleRhee
— Mikey Franklin (@mikeyfranklin) January 15, 2014

How much $$ do you get from Walmart? RT @MichelleRhee: Im around for a little bit, anyone have any questions for me? Please use #AskMichelle
— Asher Huey (@asherhuey) January 15, 2014

Which brand of tape is best for shutting children’s lips? I smell a corporate partnership! #AskMichelle @MichelleRhee http://t.co/YUVdMZwayT
— Brian Thill (@Brian_Thill) January 15, 2014

More on the last tweet in another post.

This could not happen to a more deserving person.

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