Bobby Jindal is the Lamest Man in Louisiana

A court just threw out his attempt to take down a billboard using bogus trademark claims:

A U.S. district judge rejected Monday the Louisiana state government’s request that’s billboard criticizing Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) for not expanding Medicaid under Obamacare be taken down. The billboard includes a parody of the state’s tourism slogan, which was the basis for the state’s legal action.

U.S. District Judge Shelly Dick issued the order. Lawyers for Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne (R), who filed the suit, had “not demonstrated a substantial likelihood of prevailing on its burden of proving confusion by viewers of the billboard,” Dick wrote. She rejected the state’s request for a preliminary injunction, which asked that the billboard be taken down as the court case continues.

“The State has failed to demonstrate a compelling reason to curtail’s political speech in favor of protecting of the State’s service mark,” she continued. “There has been no showing of irreparable injury to the State.”

And Jindal wants to be President.

I would think that he is too lame to be the Republican nominee, but considering the past 2 ‘Phant presidents, Bush and Bush, I am not sure if there is enough lame in the universe to rule out anyone as a Republican nominee.

On the other hand, I do think that a significant portion of the Republican electorate, particularly in the south, might be uncomfortable voting for a non-white candidate.

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