And Mylvaney’s Anti Consumer Jihad Continues

The acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) on Monday asked Congress to restrain the power of his agency.

Trump budget director Mick Mulvaney, who is pulling double duty as the acting CFPB chief, asked Congress to take control of the bureau’s funding, make his successors fireable at will by the president, install an inspector general and give itself the sole power to finalize the bureau’s rules.

All four measures would be drastic blows to the CFPB’s power and independence.

They are in line with the views that Mulvaney had as a member of Congress. In fact, Mulvaney voted for the changes as a Republican lawmaker from South Carolina in 2017.

Mulvaney wrote in the CFPB’s semiannual report that “Congress established an agency primed to ignore due process and abandon the rule of law in favor of bureaucratic fiat and administrative absolutism.”

“The Bureau is far too powerful, and with precious little oversight of its activities,” wrote Mulvaney, who as a congressman had opposed the CFPB’s existence.

Mulvaney and the CFPB make Ann Gorsuch Burford and the EPA look like a pie fight, and the EPA is still damaged from her efforts 35 years later.

Mulvaney believes that it is the right of banksters to steal from ordinary people, and that any meaningful attempt to prevent their fraudulent activities is an affront to their free market gods.

Any Democrat who supports these so-called reforms, and my guess is that there are dozens in the House and a few in the Senate. should be primaried, and any one who wins their primary should not be voted for in the general election.

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