Yeah, the Fix is In on Kavanaugh

No questions to Kavanaugh or Ford, Ramirez was barely intervieded and and corroborating witnesses were given the brush off.

The money quote here is, “No one who lived in Lawrance Hall (so far as I know) has been contacted by the FBI What a charade.”

The WaPo has a list of people that he FBI refused to interview despite their claims that Kavanaugh is a liar, which is a critical part of a background check, and another story from them about how the FBI refused to interview someone who had text messages showing that Kavanaugh was doing damage control on Ramirez before he told the Judiciary Committee he knew about the allegations.

Of course, Susan Collins has signed off on the sham, because her moderation only really applies when her vote does not count.

So, it looks like we are going to get a liar, gambling addict, alcoholic, rapist on the Supreme Court.

He has a pretty good shot at being a worse justice than Roger B. Taney.

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