- A Picture of Change for a World in Constant Motion (New York Times) How Japanese wood prints that were, “Considered vulgar, commercial images,” became high art. (Album of pictures below)
- Painting Eyes on The Butts of Cattle Can Protect Them From Lions, Research Shows (Science Alert) Classic dazzle camouflage.
- HUD Report Finds Racial Disparities in Alabama Subsidized Housing (The Root) Housing authority thought that, “Basically called older Black people porch monkeys who are afraid of height(s).”
- A Database of 5,000 Historical Cookbooks Is Now Online, and You Can Help Improve It (Gastro Obscura) Not a collection of recipes, but an extensive index. Tremendously useful.
- “All These Rich People Can’t Stop Themselves”: The Luxe Quarantine Lives of Silicon Valley’s Elite (Vanity Fair) Rich pig parties. Not enough bullets.
25% in U.S. Say Neither Candidate Would Be a Good President (Gallup Polls) Don’t blame me, I voted Kodos.
- California wildfire spawns ‘firenado’ as tornado warning issued amid heatwave (The Guardian) as if 2020 wasn’t apocalyptic enough.
Kodos. OK.
You could have given me an HT for the Hokusai….