Headline of the Day

The Problem with Moving to Florida Is You Have to Live in Florida!

The Daily Mail

It appears that expats from New York City have decided that the diminished quality of life in Florida is not worth the lower taxes and are returning to the Empire State:

Wall Street titans who moved to Miami amid New York City’s coronavirus lockdown are already eyeing a return to the Big Apple, according to a new report.

Late last year, Florida was touted as the future hub of American finance as a slew of billion-dollar businesses opened up offices in the Sunshine State.

The uber-wealthy were lured to Florida by better weather, lower taxes and fewer  restrictions imposed on residents amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

But Bloomberg claims that a number of billionaires are now having second thoughts about life in Miami because the cultural and educational opportunities just don’t compare to those in the Big Apple.

The main problem with moving to Florida is that you have to live in Florida,’ Jason Mudrick, who oversees $3 billion at Mudrick Capital Management in NYC, told the publication.

(emphasis mine)

Yeah, and this is with Florida having a relatively mild hurricane season. (The rest of the Caribbean basin and Carolinas were not so lucky)

In addition, you have Ron Desnatis, Rick Scott, Jeb Bush, an infestation of pythons, cane toads, mass shootings, and a Grim Reaper on the beach.

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