Got Vax?

Got my shot

It kind of went like this (Not really)

Not kidding about the liquor store

I just got my vaccine, singular, as in the Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

We got it because it was the only vaccine which would definitively tell us it was corn free, and Sharon* and Nat have some fairly severe corn allergies. 

No issues to speak of, except for the fact that the Rite Aid Pharmacy is right across the street from the Rite Aid Liquor Store. 

I was in the door, got the shot, and was out in less time than it takes to read this article and laugh at the Peanuts strip. 

Of course, then I had to cool my heels for 15 minutes before leaving.

Then we all went and got rolled ice cream (Thai: ไอศกรีมผัด or ไอติมผัด), except for Nat, who got sushi because the ice cream place did not have anything non dairy.

Rolled ice cream is created by taking liquid ice cream adding fixing, and mixing it and spreading it out on an anti-griddle to freeze, and then peeling it off in a roll and adding toppings.

I had never heard of the stuff before, but I liked it.

Mine had lots of caramel, and, of course, whipped cream.

I think that going out for an ice cream after doing my part to vanquish a scourge upon the world is a good arrangement.

*Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.

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