Only 90 Years Late

President Biden has formally declared the Armenian Genocide by Turkey a genocide, the first US President to do so.

The fact that this has taken over 100 years is an mark of shame and cowardice:

President Biden on Saturday recognized the mass killings of Armenians more than a century ago as genocide, signaling a willingness to test an increasingly frayed relationship with Turkey, long a key regional ally and an important partner within NATO.

“Each year on this day, we remember the lives of all those who died in the Ottoman-era Armenian genocide and recommit ourselves to preventing such an atrocity from ever again occurring,” Mr. Biden said in a statement issued on the 106th anniversary of the beginning of a brutal campaign by the former Ottoman Empire that killed 1.5 million people. “And we remember so that we remain ever vigilant against the corrosive influence of hate in all its forms.”

The declaration by Mr. Biden reflected his administration’s commitment to human rights, a pillar of its foreign policy. It is also a break from Mr. Biden’s predecessors, who were reluctant to anger a country of strategic importance and were wary of driving its leadership toward American adversaries like Russia or Iran.


But in a call on Friday, Mr. Biden told Mr. Erdogan directly that he would be declaring the massacre an act of genocide, according to a person familiar with the discussion who spoke on the condition of anonymity to disclose details of the conversation.

As to the feelings of the Turks in general, and of Erdogan in particular, those delicate snowflakes can go f%$# themselves.

Their ancestors committed genocide, and have denied it for a century, and there needs to be an accounting for that.

One comment

  1. Quasit says:

    My family celebrated last night. I wish my grandparents (all of whom survived the Genocide as children or young teens) could have lived to see this.

    I'm too cynical to really enjoy it, but I'm still glad it finally happened.

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