Bat Boy Billionaire to Ride Giant Space Dildo

Compensating for Something?

As you may have heard, Amazon chief and Bat Boy look-alike Jeff Bezos plans to be on the first manned manned flight of his Blue Origin booster.

I guess he thinks that having more money than God qualifies him as a test pilot.

You give an egomaniac enough money, and they think that they are Buckaroo Banzai:

Jeff Bezos has already selected a hobby for his post-CEO life: space travel.

Just two weeks after he steps down as CEO of Amazon, Bezos will climb aboard a rocket made by his space exploration company Blue Origin.

“If you see the earth from space, it changes you. It changes your relationship with this planet, with humanity. It’s one earth,” Bezos said in a video posted to Instagram on Monday morning.

“Ever since I was five years old, I’ve dreamed of traveling to space.”

I want to go into space, but this desire is NOT strong enough for me to share a space capsule with Jeff Bezos.

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