Who Amongst Us Has Not Wanted to Punch a Nazi

Particularly when the Nazi is Andy Ngo, who showed to a protest in a weak disguise, and was pursued and beaten by a small group of the protesters until he fled into a hotel. (Report confirmed by Ngo here.)

I’m not going to get into an argument as to whether or not Ngo is a legitimate journalist, I think that those arguments are useless mental masturbation.

That he is a hack journalist is clear though, with numerous accounts of deliberately deceptive reporting is completely irrelevant.  He qualifies as a journalist almost as much as I do.*

What is clear though is that Ngo is also a menace to public safety, doxxing protesters with a clear intent to invoke violence against them and their families:

People in a May 28 protest crowd in front of the Multnomah County Justice Center chased, tackled and punched someone they believed to be right-wing author Andy Ngo, pursuing him through the streets of Portland until he hid inside The Nines hotel.

The enraged group pulled on the hotel’s front doors and shouted, “You wanna kill us? You wanna kill us, Andy?” at The Nines staff while the hotel staff frantically tried to hold the entrance closed.

The person hiding in The Nines appeared to be Ngo to this reporter—who saw him in the light of an elevator as he entered it and faced the front before the doors closed. But Ngo has not responded to WW’s inquiries whether he was assaulted, and has released no public statements about the incident.


Friday’s march concluded around 11:30 pm without much fanfare. Word began to spread that Ngo was in the crowd—disguised and wearing a Black Lives Matter flag around his shoulders.

A group of five to 10 people in identity-obscuring clothing called “black bloc” followed the person they suspected of being Ngo for blocks, inquiring who he was. At one point, the person they pursued said his name was Jake. In front of the AC Marriott, the group tried to unmask the unknown man. He ran for blocks until someone in the pursuing group tackled him—at Southwest 4th Avenue and Morrison Street—and punched him several times after his head hit the brick sidewalk.

A nearby man holding a skateboard admonished the group, saying that their quarry looked like he’d “had enough.” However, when someone nearby shouted that the person they were assaulting was Ngo, the skateboard-carrying man changed his attitude, swearing and joining the group.


Ngo’s willingness to post the mug shots and other personal information of arrested protesters has caused many of the people in Portland’s leftist movement to see him as something like an existential threat. In his reporting—via Twitter, the conservative news site The Post Millennial, and guest appearances on Fox News—Ngo has been regularly accused of sensationalizing the danger presented by anti-fascists and other left-wing groups.

It’s more than a willingness to post this information, he encourages his readers with a nudge and a wink to threaten the people that he reports on.

Ngo is a stochastic terrorist, and a bully, and both of those are categories of people to be fought tooth and nail.

*Why, yes, I AM aware that this is an INCREDIBLY low bar. Sy Hersch I ain;t.

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