Ave Satanas*

Satanists in Florida have convinced a Florida school district not to hand out bibles because they would have to hand out Satan coloring books:

In September of last year the Satanic Temple revealed plans to disseminate the “Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities,” to kids in a Florida school district.

The Satanic Temple along with the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) were responding to a ruling, which let the Orange County school district allow religious and atheist organizations to distribute materials — including bibles and other pamphlets — in public schools.

Since religious and atheist materials could be handed out, the Satanic Temple made a request to hand out the aforementioned activity book, while the Freedom From Religion Foundation planned to hand out a pamphlet describing the bible as an “X-rated book.”

Now, the Satanic Temple’s request has the school district rethinking its policy, and the district is currently putting the distribution of all religious paraphernalia on hold, according to WFTV-TV.

As I mentioned 4 months ago, my Mother used this tactic when I was a wee las, when the then superintendent of the Charlottesville public schools permitted Christian bibles to be handed out at schools.

Same results too.

*Latin for, “Hail Satan.” Note that Jewish concept of Satan is very different from the one that Christianity took from Zoroastrianism. In fact a number of sages posited that the dialogues with Satan in the book of Job were an internal dialogue God was having.

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