Straight Talking Politician of the Week

Rotterdam’s mayor, who is himself a Muslim, has some choice words for Islamists who wish to eschew modernity, “Pack your bags, and f%$# off.”

The Moroccan-born mayor of the Dutch port city of Rotterdam said in a television appearance on Tuesday that Muslims like himself who choose to live in the West should adopt a more tolerant worldview or “pack your bags and f%$# off.”


Aboutaleb moved with his family to the Netherlands when he was a teen. During the television program Nieuwsuur (News Hour), he spoke to Islamists living in the West, saying, “It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom.”

“But if you don’t like freedom,” he continued, “for heaven’s sake pack your bags and leave.”

“If you do not like it here because some humorists you don’t like are making a newspaper, may I then say you can f%$# off,” Aboutaleb said.

Straight talk from a politician, how quaint.

I wish that there were more politicians like Aboutaleb, and fewer snollygosters out in the political sphere.

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