- Anybody Claiming Net Neutrality Rules Killed Broadband Investment Is Lying To You (Techdirt) “That is, if you’re playing along at home, not a f%$#ing slowdown, and anybody that continues to push this flimsy narrative is either lying to you, or has been duped by years of lobbyist nonsense.”
- Skills gap for U.S. manufacturing workers mostly a myth, paper says (Illinois News Bureau) Employers can find skilled workers, they just want a bigger supply so that they can pay less.
- War in Afghanistan turns 16, earns driver’s license (Duffelblog) Very well done snark.
- It’s time to ban productivity from medicine (KevinMD) A better prescription would be to call for the end of MBA/High Finance type management, which fails for everything, not just medicine.
- Taibbi on DA Who Dropped Fraud Case Against Ivanka and Don Jr. (Rolling Stone) It appears that Cyrus Vance, Jr. looks to have some explaining to do.
- The Stockley Files (River Front Times) The St. Louis PD, including its current police chief when he was a major, covered up the shooting. Obstruction of justice. Also, prosecutors need to stop assenting to bench trials for killer cops, particularly in states that elect their judges, because the police union would go after him at the next election.
- Want to avert the apocalypse? Take lessons from Costa Rica (The Guardian) Small country, low per capita GDP, but overall outcomes that frequently exceed those of the United States.
You can now buy CueCats on Amazon Prime (Boing Boing) Daym! This privacy slurping bar code scanner was dead before the turn of the 20th century.
I am so seeing Deadpool 2 in the movie theater: