- Letter to the Editor: Why These Agents Argue Books Aren’t Essential(Publishers Weekly) “The natural endpoint of an industry treating the sale of its product as essential but its workers as expendable is already visible: we need only to look at the horrors occurring in Amazon warehouses and fulfillment centers.”
- Jeffrey Epstein’s Harvard ties were extensive, new report reveals (Boston Globe) And Harvard already had more money than it knew what to do with, even with Larry Summers mismanaging the fund a few years back.
Pizza-Fueled Lizard Broke The Constipation Record, RIP (Cracked) 80% of the lizard’s body mass was a “Fecal Bolus” from eating garbage from a pizza shop. Clearly Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could never exist.
- The real Lord of the Flies: what happened when six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months (The Guardian) Schoolboys were shipwrecked on a desert island 50 years ago, and they behaved with kindness and caring for one another.
- How Bullwinkle Helped Us Laugh Off Nuclear Annihilation (Zócalo Public Square) Bullwinkle was UNBELIEVABLY subversive.
- One Nation Under Guard (New York Times) More cops and prison guards as inequaljty increases, because their purpose to protect rich looters from the poor.
- Facebook and the Folly of Self-Regulation (Wired) Self-regulation is to regulation as self-importance is to importance.
This will make you hate your old (new) toaster FOREVER, and there are models of this toaster from 1948 still working.