Tag: Presidential Campaign

“Rat Faced Andy” Cuomo Strikes Again

Tax pied-a-terres.
Tax private jets.
Tax yachts.
Tax stock transfers and buybacks.
Tax commercial vacancies.
Tax carried interest.

We need government in New York more than ever. Now is not the time to starve it. Tax the super-wealthy. #BudgetJustice

— Senator Brad Hoylman (@bradhoylman) March 27, 2020

In response to a the pandemic Andrew Cuomo is proposing cuts to the state Medicaid program, because he has spent his ENTIRE time in office cutting taxes on rich people, so the only solution to a hole blown in the state budget is to f%$# the poors:

A panel appointed by New York governor Andrew Cuomo unveiled on Thursday its plan to reduce the state’s Medicaid spending by some $400 million over the next year. The plan will now go to the state legislature for consideration. Remarkably, the proposal is being put forward in the middle of a healthcare crisis that threatens the very lives of the many vulnerable New Yorkers who depend upon such services as Medicaid.

The proposed $400 million cut is part of a bigger program to slash the medicaid budget by $2.5 billion over several years. As the state’s Department of Health website put it, the panel, known as the Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT), was put together in February with the goal of “restoring financial sustainability to the Medicaid program while connecting other programmatic initiatives that would advance the core healthcare strategies [Cuomo] has pursued since taking office in 2011.”

As the Doctors Council noted in an urgent call to action released on March 10, the MRT has “little to no frontline doctor representation or representatives of patients and communities, and no one from NYC Health + Hospitals (NYCH+H).”

I would note that this guy is considered to be the “Great White Hope” by the Democratic Party establishment (there is no Democratic Party establishment), and being considered as a replacement for Joe Biden should he have issues as a result of ……… well ……… being Joe Biden.

“Rat Faced Andy” Cuomo  abides, I guess.

Pelosi, Schumer, and the Whole of Congressional Democrats Were Just Taken for Chumps


When President Trump signed the $2 trillion economic stabilization package on Friday to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, he undercut a crucial safeguard that Democrats insisted upon as a condition of agreeing to include a $500 billion corporate bailout fund.

In a signing statement released hours after Mr. Trump signed the bill in a televised ceremony in the Oval Office, the president suggested he had the power to decide what information a newly created inspector general intended to monitor the fund could share with Congress.

Under the law, the inspector general, when auditing loans and investments made through the fund, has the power to demand information from the Treasury Department and other executive branch agencies. The law requires reporting to Congress “without delay” if any agency balks and its refusal is unreasonable “in the judgment of the special inspector general.”

Democrats blocked a final agreement on the package this week as they insisted on stronger oversight provisions to ensure that the president and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin could not abuse the bailout fund. They feared that Mr. Trump, who has previously stonewalled congressional oversight, would do the same when it came to the corporate aid program.

But in his statement, which the White House made public about two hours after the president signed the bill, Mr. Trump suggested that under his own understanding of his constitutional powers as president, he can gag the special inspector general for pandemic recovery, known by the acronym S.I.G.P.R., and keep information from Congress.


The signing statement also challenged several other provisions in the bill, including one requiring consultation with Congress about who should be the staff leaders of a newly formed executive branch committee charged with conducting oversight of the government’s response to the pandemic.

No one should be surprised by this happening.

In fact, it would be a shock if this were NOT the case.

Schumer and Pelosi are showing the political acumen of Little Orphan Annie.

Find out What What He’s Been Smoking, and Have a Few Ounces Sent to My Chamber

Over at The Intercept, Jeremy Scahill and Ryan Grim are suggesting that that there should be a Joe Biden/Bernie Sanders Presidential ticket.

Seriously, which ever person is at the top of the ticket, it is pretty likely that they will be succeeded by their VP, and their policies are diametrically opposed.

Additionally, the DemocraticParty establishment (there is no Democratic Party establishment) would would vociferously oppose Sanders as a running mate, (It would interfere with their keeping their phony baloney jobs)  and Sanders supporters would oppose the selection of Biden with equal vigor given that they consider Biden to have been on the wrong side of every major issue throughout his career.

This isn’t journalism, it’s bad fan fiction.

Democrats Bring a Rubber Chicken to a Gun Fight

Joe Biden has announced that he does not want to get involved in a political fight with Donald Trump over the latter’s complete mishandling of the of the Covid-19 pandemic.

My dear Biden: If you don’t want to use your Presidential Campaign I should like to borrow it for a while

This is worse than a crime, it is a mistake:

Former Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday that he does not want to be in a political fight with President Trump over the coronavirus outbreak but that he would continue to call the president out on misinformation regarding the virus.

“I have not been criticizing the president, but I’ve been pointing out where there is disagreement on how to proceed,” Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, said on ABC’s “The View.”

“The coronavirus is not his fault, but the lack of speed with which to respond to it has to move much faster,” he continued. “This is not about Democrat or Republican. This is not about what your party is. It’s about getting through this.”

“The American people don’t want us in a political fight, and I want no part of a political fight either, but when the president says things that turn out not to be accurate, we should not say ‘you’re lying,’ we should say ‘Mr. President that’s not the facts, here’s the deal.

Seriously, if Joe Biden does not want to campaign for the Presidency, why does he want to be the nomineee?

Joe Biden, He Can Fog a Mirror

Honest to God, that is the campaign slogan for the Democratic intelligentsia supporting the Biden candidacy.

I am NOT joking.

At The Atlantic, a bastion of the Democratic Party establishment, they just published an article titled, “Stay Alive, Joe Biden.”

The subhed is, “Democrats need little from the front-runner beyond his corporeal presence.”

They are literally saying that he’s not dead yet, and he is not Bernie Sanders, and so he must be the nominee.

Seriously, have they learned NOTHING from the clusterf%$# that was the Hillary Clinton campaign.

It’s Like Watching Brezhnev in 1981

President Trump and Mitch McConnell are trying to put a corporate bailout ahead of families. It’s simply wrong. We need to be focused on helping hardworking Americans, communities, and small businesses — not handing big corporations a blank check. pic.twitter.com/tMBZm26h3y

— Joe Biden (Text Join to 30330) (@JoeBiden) March 23, 2020

We waited a week for Joe Biden to give a statement on the Covid-19 pandemic, and we got a word salad delivered with all the vigor of Terri Schiavo.

Joe Biden, and his campaign, need to step up their game.

This is not just because he’s now the front-runner in the Democratic Presidential primary, but because he can not get the media attention necessary to shine the light Donald Trump’s attempt to make any potential economic bailout from the current emergency a way to line his own pockets.

I understand that Biden and his campaign staff think that the primary is over, and they want to give him a few days off, but they really need to turn the dial to 11 right now.

Where the F%$# is Joe Biden?

Given the current pandemic, and Donald Trump’s mismanagement of it and his lying, Joe Biden should be proclaiming Trump’s failures from the heavens.

In the 10 days since the debates, he’s been basically invisible.

All that we have gotten is a promise of some briefings that may start in the next few days.

His campaign is missing a big opportunity to challenge the narrative that Trump is promulgating.

Sober Blogging the Debates

My analysis: There were a number of times where Sanders could have gone after Biden harder, and he didn’t. Not a good night for Sanders. He needed to go for the jugular.

9:57 Biden’s closing is strong, showing a lot of empathy. Makes the point that Donald Trump is the biggest threat.

9:55 Closing message about Coronavirus. Sanders notes that our current system makes it worth.

9:49 Ad break.

9:47 Dana Bash is horrible. She has not asked a single question that is not about electioneering. There are actual issues, and focusing exclusively on horse-race electoral questions is journalist malpractice.

9:46 Biden is claiming that he knows who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. This is a succinct description of every American foreign policy failure over the past 50 years. Choosing who deserves to win in some other country is a font of failure.

9:44 Sanders notes that EVERYONE knew that Bush was a liar, and that Biden also supported horrible trade agreements and the like.

9:42 Biden questioned on Iraq war vote. He says that his vote for the invasion was because he was lied to by the President, who said that there would be no invasion, just a UN resolution. That makes Biden an idiot or a liar.

9:40 Sanders notes that stating reality is a requirement dealing with the world.

9:38 Biden questioned on Obama’s similar statements on the Cuban education system. He tries to imply that Sanders’ comments were beyond the pale.

9:36 Sanders questioned on his statements on Cuba, specifically in terms of Florida voters. Sanders notes that observing objective facts is not support for a dictatorship.

9:30 Ad break.

9:29 Sanders quizzed on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions without fracked natural gas. Sanders response is that he is calling for a Manhattan Project level of investment. He should have said that leaks from fracking mean that the Tapper’s assumption is not certain.

9:26 Sanders notes that the Paris accords are insufficient, and that the US needs to further and to, the maximum degree possible, apply pressure overseas as well.

9:25 I expect a walk back, but Biden just said that he would ban ALL drilling in the United states.

9:24 Bernie says that fighting anthropogenic climate change is a war, and that big oil has been lying for years. Wants them to be held CRIMINALLY accountable. (Good point)

9:23 I know what Biden is trying to say, but he needs to watch Schoolhouse Rock, because he is completely leaving out conjunctions about his policy. (Not mental decline, he’s always talked this way)

9:21 Biden notes that the Pentagon briefed him and Obama on the threats of climate change.

9:20 Climate change, Jake Tapper asking about to handle health consequences (tropical diseases, etc.). Sanders response is that this is real existential threat, not just diseases. He wants to end fracking and tax breaks to big oil.

9:19 We are in the middle of a love fest on immigration.

9:17 Both of them come out unequivocally against local police transferring illegals to ICE.

9:15 Biden notes (correctly) that a part of Sanders opposition was his publicly stated concerns about immigration being used to drive down wages.

9:13 Sanders explains his vote against the 2007 immigration bill, and notes taht LULAC opposed the bill, and that the SPLC said that the guest worker bills were, “Akin to slavery.”

9:11 Calderón asks Biden about Obama’s immigration policies. (Deporter in chief) Biden comes as close as he ever has to criticizing Obama. Promises only to deport felons.

9:10 Sanders says, “Probably” for a woman VP pick.

9:09 Challenged by Bernie, Biden repudiates his votes for the Hyde amendment. Also wants to codify Roe v. Wade into law.

9:06 A question from “Ordinary People”. It’s a question about how he would staff his cabinet to protect women’s issues. It’s actually a highly sophisticated question. Bernie talks policies, which is somewhat orthogonal to the personnel question. Biden promises a black woman for SCOTUS, that his cabinet will “look like America”, and he is promises that his VP pick will be a women. (MAJOR announcement)

9:01 Ad break.

8:59 Sanders says the same. It should be noted that Sanders campaigned for Hillary Clinton in 2016.

8:58 Biden asked about winning over Sanders voters. Biden promised to support and campaign for Sanders should he get the nod.

8:56 Biden brings up Sanders bad history on gun control. He’s right, but unlike Biden, he has publicly repudiated those votes.

8:55 Sanders notes that he voted against the Bankruptcy bill, DOMA, the Iraq War, the Hyde Amendment, etc. and Biden voted for it.

8:53 Sanders makes a point that he has been supporting things like free college tuition, and opposing Biden’s sellout to MBNA with his bankruptcy bill, and that Biden is a late comer. Sanders, is (IMHO weekly) implying that Biden cannot be trusted.

8:51 My wife just turned to me and said, “I understand why you want to be drunk.”

8:48 Biden challenged on his reversal on free state college tuiton. Word salad.

8:46 Joe said that he never did, and then he said, that “Everything was on the Table.” Joe, you just ceded this point.

8:45 Bernie Sanders just called out Joe Biden for calling for Social Security cuts, and then notes that people can see his speeches on the Senate floor on YouTube.

8:41 Sanders (IMHO accurately) says that the problem is asymmetry of power, and it needs to be fixed.

8:38 Blitzer serves up a softball question about Bernie’s call for revolution to Biden. Binden says that he can pass stuff and Bernie can’t. **cough** McConnell **cough**

8:36 Calderón raises Bernie’s heart attack and precautions. Bernie mentions not doing rallies, hand shakes, etc. Asks Biden, and Biden says much the same thing, and makes a funny, when he says, “Knock wood,” and knocks on his head.

8:35 Immigration questions: Very little light between the two of them

8:32 Biden is saying that if we hadn’t bailed out the banks, everyone would have lost their money in banks, because, I guess there is no FDIC. BTW, Jorge Ramos should be asking these questions, but he is under self-quarantine, so the hapless Ilia Calderón is asking the questions. She is awful.

8:30 A rather disingenuous question about how he voted against the bank bailout in an attempt to suggest that his support for help for ordinary people now is hypocritical.

8:29 Biden is doing well. He is on point and coherent.

8:26 Talking about economic effects of pandemic, and once again, Biden is talking about a one time response, Bernie talks about how we got here, and where we go in the future. Biden keeps going back to ¯_(ツ)_/¯ we have to act now, and any consideration of future problems is an unwanted distraction/

8:15 I came in late, but the discussion of COVID-19 is (unsurprisingly) front and center. At least so far, Bernie is making the point that Medicare for All would allow for significant advance planning for a crisis like this, but his point is ignored by the moderators.

8:11 I came to this about 20 minutes in. I had to pick up Nat from rehearsal.

It’s down to 2, and it’s a critical juncture, so I’m doing this sober.

Bloomberg Being Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg hired people, and promised, win or lose, that they would have a job through the November election.

He lied to his employees:

Mike Bloomberg’s shuttered presidential campaign is dismissing staffers across the country and inviting them to reapply for jobs on his new independent committee — despite extending guarantees of being paid through the November election when they were hired.

The consolation prize: They get to keep their Bloomberg-issued iPhones and MacBooks.

Multiple Bloomberg aides told POLITICO they participated in termination calls with the campaign on Monday. Some of them complained after the calls that they were originally told they would be paid by Bloomberg though the November general election regardless of whether he remained in the race. Most staffers will receive their last paycheck on March 31, sources said.

After a poor showing on Super Tuesday, Bloomberg dropped last week and endorsed Joe Biden. The former New York City mayor is now underwriting an outside effort to help Democrats defeat President Donald Trump.

Hiring materials from Bloomberg headquarters shared with POLITICO stated that regardless of what happened, field organizers could expect to have a job with “Team Bloomberg” through November, though it didn’t promise interviewees a specific location where they would be based. It outlined that organizers would be paid $6,000 a month, plus a $5,000 relocation stipend and full health, dental and vision benefits.

This is exactly what you would expect from a self-absorbed billionaire who thinks that he’s better than his word.

He’s not.  He’s pond scum.

You Know All Those Movies Where Con Men are the Heroes?

You know, the ones where are ripping off “The Man”, who is corrupt, or violent, or both?

Well it appears that Michael Bloomberg’s staffers have seen those movies too, considering the reports that they were robbing him blind:

Michael Bloomberg ended his presidential campaign on Wednesday after being walloped on Super Tuesday. But, according to nearly a dozen members of his campaign staff, the former New York City mayor’s presidential dreams really died when Elizabeth Warren eviscerated his record on live television during the February 19 debate in Las Vegas.

Not a single Bloomberg staffer that I spoke to was surprised by the campaign’s implosion. Speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of professional reprisal and because of the campaign’s nondisclosure agreements—which The Nation obtained a leaked copy of in February—campaign employees cited that bruising debate as well as a general lack of enthusiasm for Bloomberg among the staff as main factors ending his presidential run.


A third staffer also said that the debate marked a turning point, after which phone calls with voters became more difficult. “The day after [the debate] when we made calls people were like, ‘Oh yeah, I was thinking about him [Bloomberg], but I’m not really sure anymore.’”

Bloomberg’s performance, specifically his handling of Warren’s questions, even alienated the campaign’s volunteers. Of the volunteers that quit, one campaign employee told me, “Just about every one of them said it was because of the debate performance or the NDA scandals.”


But despite an almost limitless budget, the Bloomberg campaign would learn that money can’t buy loyalty. Staffers described an almost total lack of belief in Bloomberg himself. “Most people knew this was a grift,” one campaign official explained, describing even leadership as being unwilling to fulfill basic campaign responsibilities. “At our first office meeting, my [director] said, ‘We don’t need to canvass. We can just make calls, right guys?’ And everyone was like, ‘Yeah, that’s sensible.’”

Another employee who specialized in social media explained how their coworkers’ lack of enthusiasm resulted in lackluster engagement with social media audiences, which often led to tweets so perfunctory—many would just copy and paste campaign talking points—that their Twitter accounts would get mistakenly flagged as spam and suspended.

Multiple people described elaborate schemes to undermine the campaign and help their favored candidates. As one staffer explained, “I would actively canvass for Bernie when I was supposed to be canvassing for Mike. I know of at least one team of ‘volunteers’ that was entirely fabricated by the organizers who had to hit their goals. It was easy enough to fudge the data to make it look like real people put in real volunteer work, when in reality Mike was getting nothing out of it.”

Another staffer told me, “In San Diego, the regional organizers also exploited the campaign’s resources, staff, and infrastructure for local races they either were running in or consulting on.”


While most Bloomberg campaign employees who spoke to The Nation recalled being critical of Bloomberg from the very beginning, one was more sympathetic, citing Bloomberg’s climate change policies and desire to shrink the Pentagon budget. But he remarked, “The campaign truly made me jaded. I’m never going to sell my soul again.”

If these multi-billionaires are our modern royalty, then there can only be one conclusion from thesese reports.  While the peasants may not yet be revolting, they are going SERIOUSLY passive-aggressive.

Traditional Values, Huh?

At a Sanders Rally in Phoenix, a protester unveiled a Nazi flag and shouted, “Heil Hitler.”

Clearly, the problem is “Bernie Bros” saying nasty things on Twitter.

More seriously, why the hell aren’t Sanders and Biden getting Secret Service protection?

Moments after Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took the stage at his campaign rally in Phoenix on Thursday night, the crowd was on its feet cheering madly for the Democratic presidential candidate.

But those cheers were swiftly replaced by deafening boos when Sanders’s supporters noticed that one man standing behind the senator in an upper section of the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum wasn’t waving a “Bernie” sign like many of those around him.

Instead, the man was holding a red flag above his head — and it was emblazoned with a swastika.

“It was absolutely wild,” Brianna Westbrook, a national surrogate for the Sanders campaign, told The Washington Post. “I never thought I would have seen a swastika at a political event. It’s gross.”

While people near the protester quickly ripped the offending item out of his hands and he was removed from the arena, the mere appearance of a Nazi flag at an event dedicated to a democratic socialist who could become the country’s first Jewish president sparked outcry. The moment, captured in videos and photos that circulated on social media Thursday night, was denounced as an act of anti-Semitism and prompted increased concerns about Sanders’s safety on the campaign trail.


“I was expecting Trump supporters to be protesting. I didn’t expect a swastika flag to be unfurled,” Orlando Garrido, a rally attendee, told The Post. “I never thought I would actually see something like that.”

On Twitter, the display was widely condemned as observers pointed out that Sanders’s Polish relatives were murdered in the Holocaust.


The Anti-Defamation League identified the protester Friday as Robert Sterkeson, a resident of Arizona. According to the ADL, Sterkeson is “a self-described ‘stunt activist’ who has harassed a range of Jewish and Muslim organizations and events.”

Elizabeth Has Left the Building

She has not yet made an endorsement, and she may not make one.

I cannot see her endorsing Biden, she started her activism opposing 2005 bankruptcy bill, and endorsing him before the convention would repudiate her entire political career.

I place her likelihood of endorsing Sanders at less than 25% though.

Senator Elizabeth Warren entered the 2020 race with expansive plans to use the federal government to remake American society, pressing to strip power and wealth from a moneyed class that she saw as fundamentally corrupting the country’s economic and political order.

She exited on Thursday after her avalanche of progressive policy proposals, which briefly elevated her to front-runner status last fall, failed to attract a broader political coalition in a Democratic Party increasingly, if not singularly, focused on defeating President Trump.


Though her vision energized many liberals — the unlikely chant of “big, structural change” rang out at her rallies — it did not find a wide enough audience among the party’s working-class and diverse base. Now her potential endorsement is highly sought, and both Mr. Sanders and Mr. Biden have spoken with her in the days since Super Tuesday losses sealed her political fate, though she revealed precious little of her intentions on Thursday.

“I need some space around this,” she said.

Tweet of the Day

Say what you like about Marvel Comics but this remains the best explanation for why Bloomberg just spent all that money on something other than, you know, helping people. pic.twitter.com/3zaHN4oVBo

— Joe Macaré (@joemacare) March 5, 2020

You will never convince me that this is not an intentional metaphor for self-entitled wealth, and an unintentional metaphor Mike Bloomberg’s Presidential campaign.

Stopped Clock Tweet of the Day

My strong suspicion is that if Biden wins many conservatives with misgivings about Trump currently telling themselves they’d vote for him will “learn” that he backs legal abortion, raising taxes, taking your guns, and other normal Dem stuff and decide he’s too leftwing.

— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) March 1, 2020

Matthew Yglesias is right.

Now THERE is a sentence that I never expected to write.

So Ready for the Giant Meteor

At his speech following the Super Tuesday results, Joe Biden was rushed by two vegan protesters, and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden went after one of them like Ray Nitschke.

This election is going to be a complete sh%$ show, and Donald John Trump is a master of the sh%$ show.

I am SO sick and tired of this bullsh%$.

I appreciate the fact that Jill Biden is a complete bad-ass, but I want to go and live in a f%$#ing cave:

It could have been a scene out of the romantic thriller “The Bodyguard,” except the hero of the moment in this case was not a trained agent but Jill Biden.

The sequence began as former vice president Joe Biden was delivering his victory speech in Los Angeles, thanking his supporters for his Super Tuesday comeback.

Suddenly, a protester rushed the stage wielding a “Let Dairy Die” placard. With the vegan protester just a few feet from her husband, Jill Biden clutched her husband’s right hand and interposed her body between him and the woman lunging at him.

About 10 seconds later, another anti-dairy industry protester stormed the stage. Reacting with lightning speed, the former second lady swung around, extended her arms, grabbed her by the wrists and then blocked her with a stiff-arm.

Wincing, she pushed the woman back as her husband and sister-in-law looked on with concern during the sudden confrontation.

Thank You Elizabeth Warren

Michael Bloomberg has suspended his Presidential campaign and will endorse Joe Biden.

His performance in Super Tuesday was profoundly underwhelming, he won only American Samoa, where only he and Tulsi Gabbard was running.

He spent $½ Billion, and in 30 seconds of Liz Warren destroyed his campaign.

Good for her, and my guess is that this was the first time that someone actually took Bloomberg to task in decades.

Thank you Elizabeth Warren for excising this cancer from the American body politic.