Tag: family

I Have a Weird Metabolism

I am not referring to my inclination toward stoutness, that is pretty ordinary.

About a week ago, I hurt my shoulder, and after about a week progress was slow despite my loading up on Naproxen Sodium and Ibuprofen, , so I went and got some aspirin.

Within 12 hours I was essentially pain free.

I’m not sure why, but it appears that willow leaf juice is particularly effective on yours truly.

I think that it may have something to do with aspirin’s ability to chelate calcium.

Colloquy With a Cat

Me: Move. I need to fold clothes.

Meatball: No. This is my comfy space.

Me: I gotta fold clothes.

Meatball: No. This is my comfy space.

Me: You aren’t even supposed to be in the bedroom.

Meatball: No. This is my comfy space.

Me: OK, stay there. I’ll just go to work.

Meatball: I am going to kill you, and drink your blood from your skull.

Me: Whatever.

I Sent My Wife a Dick Pic the Other Day

My daughter, Natalie, is the stage manger of a production of the off Broadway play, I Love You, You’re Perfect, ……… Now Change.

It’s the, “New 2018 Revised and Updated Book & Score,” and so, unlike the early 1990s version, it has a musical number about the unfortunate habit that some men have of sending the object of their affection pictures of portions of their anatomy.

Sharon* turned to me and made a comment about how she would have given me the boot if I had done this to her when we were dating.

Seeing as how I am an unmitigated ass, I saw this as a challenge, so I sent her a picture of Dick, specifically Tricky Dick, aka Richard Milhous Nixon.

Have I mentioned that Sharon* is a saint? If she weren’t should have murdered me many years ago.

*Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.

I Am a Horrible Human Being

For the past 24 hours, we have had no water at our house, because an 8 inch water main broke, shutting off water to 20-30 houses in my neighborhood.

Seeing as how we all were beginning to stink, we went to the JCC (Jewish Community Centers) to take showers, as they have a gym, locker room, and showers.

We were discussing the showers, and Sharon* mentioned that there were stalls with curtains in the women’s locker room.

I noted to Charlie that this was not the case in the men’s locker room, where it was an open floor plan.  (It turns out that my recollections were wrong.  They have added stalls and curtains)

Charlie was upset, as he is not enamored of the concept of taking a shower in front of other people, so he went to get his swim trunks.

So I asked him, “What is your problem with having a Zyklon B layout in the showers?

He turned to me, and said that this was the worst thing that he had heard me say in his entire life.

I am a truly awful person.

*Love of my life, light of the  cosmos, she  who must be obeyed, my wife.


Such a nice boy!

My son Charlie (Youtube Channel here, his Deviant Art here) decided to take his laptop with him to my nephew Sam’s Bar Mitzvah.

On the way home, he misplaced it.

Luckily, left it left the TSA bin at airport security, and his login screen has his name, so he called them today (Lost and Found was closed for the King holiday), and they will be sending it to him, at his expense, via express delivery.

Well, he can take solace that he is a lucky dumb-ass.

Note: I published this post with his express permission, so don’t go calling me a bad parent.

Midvale School for the Gifted

I was going to Maariv* at the local Kollel, so that I could say Kaddish for her.

Charlie came with me, because we studied some Gemara before services.

Charlie walked into the study area, and pushed the door open (it swings both ways) despite the large signs taped to it marked “Pull.”

I said, “Midvale School for the Gifted,” and Charlie gave me a blank look.

I had to remind him that it was a Gary Larson cartoon.

*Evening services.
Community religious study center.
A memorial prayer, it is the 41st anniversary of her death.
A companion work of the Mishna, together they constitute the Talmud.

This May Be the Worst Thing That I Have Ever Said

We just had a workplace shooting in Maryland and Delaware yesterday.

3 dead and 6 wounded. Just another day at the office.

My wife and I were discussing this as I was getting ready to go to work, and I said, “My advice is always to shoot the boss, not your co-workers.”

Sharon,* ever the optimist, asked a very wise question, “How about not shooting anyone.”

Without thinking, I replied:

This is America, that’s not an option.

That was literally the first thought in my head, like some kind of like a Rorschach test.

That may have been the worst thing that I have ever said in my entire life.

I’m not sure if it reflects poorly on me, on our society, on my understanding of our society, or the universe.

*Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.