NYCS Rehearsal Schedule

For anyone in the chorus, I put the rehearsal schedule into iCal and published it for anyone to subscribe to, or download.

Facebook addict.

If you aren't on Facebook, you don't know what you are missing. I resisted it for a long time, but it's the most fun I have had online in ages. It's a great way to re-establist contact with old friends. I have been having a blast chatting with friends from High School, my job at the Route 4 Tenplex, and even some friends from grade school.

The older you get, the more important it becomes to have friends who knew you when you were young. I don't know who said that, but I definitely agree with the sentiment.

And look, it even inspired me to dig up some old photos... See if you can spot me in this one...

Still singing...

Last night I had my quadrennial re-audition for the choral society. It's hard to believe that I have been in the chorus long enough to have auditioned 5 times now. And still love it.

This should be a fun season. Check it out at

And, if you haven't seen em yet, also check out all my pics and videos from our recent trip to China...

Funny Font Video

I've been Facebooking and Twittering a lot lately, but here is a really funny video. Made me actually Laugh Out Loud, and not just type LOL.

Thanks to
Your Mac Life for making it the web site of the week, which is how I found it.