February 2

I confess that I had a bit less pep today than yesterday, but it hasn’t been too bad, and I got a lot of things done.  I worked steadily all morning on updating the web site (and making sure it was all in line).  Note that when i say “all morning”, I mean “starting at about 5:30″, and, in this case, going till after 1pm.  I got a lot done, but it did take a lot out of me.  (I didn’t want to stop half way because when I do that I lose track of exactly what I’ve done.) There’s still one section to attack, and I know it has some updates, but I’ll deal with them tomorrow, if I’m up to it. (My sweetie went to the beach today, leaving early and not getting back until after 2:30, so I had little to distract me.

I also arranged with a friend to accompany me to the hospital next Wednesday for the pump disconnect, so my sweetie can get to his usual stint at the (American) Museum (of Natural History).  I took a support call, as it were, from my father, who had turned off his new iMac and couldn’t turn it on again from the (old) USB keyboard he prefers to the tiny wireless that came with the machine.  I suggested that he turn it on using the power switch on the machine itself, but I couldn’t tell him offhand where that was, so I said I’d look it up on the web.  I hadn’t brought up the page yet when the phone rang again and he said he’d found the button, pushed it, and all was well.  I breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Happy Thanksgiving.