February 5

Ah, Sunday.  I didn’t get up until after 6:30, which for me counts as lounging around in bed.  I spent some time online and was dismayed to realize that the project I’m working on had another additional section that needed work.  I spent some time on it, but not too much.  (It is, after all, Sunday.) (But tomorrow will be taken up with my three-hour infusion, so I might as well get something done today.)

I did the hand laundry and read the paper.  Because the new drug might cause hair loss, and it’s February, my sweetie got me the kind of liner that cyclists wear under their helmets; it fits snugly and doesn’t show up much.

I went back and forth all day between vegging out in front of the TV and working at the computer.  I got a fair amount done, but there is far too much still to do.  (And I thought I’d done it already.  That’s the worst part.)

I finally got around to ordering Smiley’s People at Amazon.  I have Tinker, Tailor, but we never ordered the sequel because the recorded format is so inconvenient to play.  (Each disk has two episodes, but you can’t simply play the whole disk; you have to select the second half and play it.)

So it was a quiet day.  I can’t honestly say that I feel terrific, but I don’t really feel bad.  I’m definitely nervous about the new drug.  I spent some time reading the blog in the comment on yesterday’s entry.  It was not easy reading.

So that was my day. I expect tomorrow to be a real siege, but I’m glad to have the chance to deal with it.  (Yes, really.  Consider the alternative.)  Happy Thanksgiving.