February 15

I must, first, clarify my “Appalachian Trail” comment from yesterday.  I was referring to a climb up a bit of mountain with some friends, and not a clandestine affair with an Argentine woman (or man, or Brazilian, or Peruvian man or woman, or anyone else).  Think Bryson: A Walk in the Woods.  I hope this clears the matter up satisfactorily.  (It hadn’t occurred to me that it needed clarification, but there you are.)

Which (after my wrinkly body post of yesterday) leads me to drift close to TMI and comment:  My libido has up a bit in the last few days.  I don’t have libido problems, and it wouldn’t have occurred to me that mind had dropped until I noticed I was behaving somewhat more friskily just recently.  I figure that can’t be bad.  (And that’s all I’m going to say about it.)

I’ve lost a bit of momentum after the huge push of the last couple of days, but I’m still plugging away at work, spending the morning being as productive as possible and the afternoon vegging out.

I’m very sad and bitterly disappointed that my Michigan family won’t be able to join us in Florida; my 90-year-old aunt fell over the weekend and has a couple of hairline fractures of her pelvis.  There’s nothing for it but to let them heal by themselves.  We’ve deliberately timed out Florida visits (they have a condo in the same unit as my parents) so that we’ve been able to spend some time together the last few years.  I’d seen my aunt in recent memory, but I hadn’t seen my cousin in well over 20 years, and he’s interesting and energetic and I enjoy his company a lot.  And, of course, there’s the “how much longer” aspect of this year, so it’s a bit fraught.

Still, my aunt is doing well, I’m in touch with my cousin, and I’m still feeling pretty good. I guess I’ll have to take what I can get.  So Happy Thanksgiving.