February 18

Well, let’s see:  I slept better last night than the couple of nights before, and that was good, but I still woke up too early.  I’d left Smiley’s People in the DVD player, and watched a bit of it until it was reasonably time to get up.  (When my sweetie woke up we watched it together, in preference to the news channels carrying the bishop’s elevation to cardinal.)

We got up, I did my usual online chores, and struggled with the NY Times crossword puzzle.  I hadn’t finished it by the time my brother called.  We babbled away talking about photographs and food, mostly (we both prefer almonds and pistachios to other kinds of nut) for a while.  Then I got call waiting, which I thought might be my sister (but it wasn’t), so we said good-bye.  We’re looking forward to being together this coming week.

Then I managed to finish the puzzle, and my sister did call.  She was going to select flowers for my niece’s wedding, so we weren’t on too long, but, again, we should see each other in Florida this week.

Then I wrote a check or two, did some other household administration, and finished (the book) Smiley’s People.  For my lavender soak today I had a new bath pillow and a spy spoof to read:  Kiss the Girls and Make Them Spy by Mabel Maney, part of the care package from my friend earlier this week.  It’s making a lovely contrast to the Le Carre.

After my soak I went to visit a neighbor for a while.  We’re used to working out together several times a week, but I haven’t tried a workout in a while and both of us have changed our schedules, so we have to make arrangements to see each other.

So it’s been a busy day.  I’m feeling pretty good.  I had a very substantial lunch (for me)– a salad made up of some of last night’s leftover chicken and avocado.  So I had a light supper, and hope I’ll sleep well tonight.

Happy Thanksgiving.