February 11

I slept well again.  (I could get used to this, believe me.)  But my stomach didn’t feel terrific before breakfast, so I took one of the anti-nausea pills.  Either the pill worked or I didn’t need it, because I got through the day just fine. I had a bonus in phone calls, because my brother called early just to touch base before he had to run out for an appointment, so he called again midday, after I’d spoken to my sister.

I worked for several hours in the morning, and then decided to rest.  I read some, did the puzzles, and watched some junk TV.  After lunch I decided to accomplish a few things, so I paid some bills and made a little progress on my taxes.  I still have a bunch more to do, but at least I’m plowing away at it.

And then I rested some more.  I’m doing a lot of that.   But I don’t feel too bad, and I’m glad of that.  Happy Thanksgiving.