February 7

We both slept poorly last night, largely because of a late telephone call from the folks at Gilda’s Club wondering why my sweetie wasn’t going back.  (He had called to let them know that he wouldn’t be there.)  It was 9:40 when the phone rang– and stopped.  And then rang again, and that’s who it was.  9:40 is well past our usual bedtime, and we were both drifting off.  It’s the time that I get the best sleep, and between assorted discomforts and the foolish bag (which I needed to rotate whenever I turned; not difficult, but it required waking up), I found it extremely hard to sleep again, and I kept waking.  Sometimes I slept again quickly, but woke quickly too.  It wasn’t pleasant.

So today it’s a little hard to pick apart how much of how draggy I feel is from lack of sleep and how much from other issues.  I am, after all, still being infused.  That doesn’t end until tomorrow afternoon.

As we arranged, I called the secretary to see what they’d worked out, and he said something about “very early Wednesday morning”.  I’m pretty sure he meant Thursday, but it would really have to be early for us to feel comfortable about getting to the airport on time.  With the best will in the world, the hospital can’t commit to accomodating us; shit happens.  Anyhow, I pointed out that Wednesday wouldn’t be enough time with a Tuesday infusion, and he said he’d talk to the nurse and get back to me.  I called again at four and he’d left for the day.  I left a message with the nurse; she hasn’t yet called back.  I’ll try again in the morning, but this sort of administrative followup is exactly the sort of thing I hate doing, even when I have plenty of energy.  My sweetie is happy to help, but I think it behooves me to speak to people myself whenever possible, to make sure they understand I’m competent.

i did a bunch of work, but also took a lot of rests.  I developed a headache in the late morning, probably from the infusion.  If I speak to the nurse I’ll mention it to her.  Otherwise I’ll tell folks tomorrow, when I have the pump disconnected.

I have not wanted to eat much today.  Mostly, I’ve wanted to sleep.  But I don’t feel terribly sick.  My temperature is still below 98, and the pain under my ribs is less than it was.  So another day.  Happy Thanksgiving.