February 16

Today has been a very good day.  I’m walking with a lot less difficulty.  I don’t think my ankle is that much better, but I think I’m feeling enough stronger generally that it’s not so much of a problem.  I managed to walk to get my hair cut without any problem at all.

I have my hair cut by a Puerto Rican woman whose English is just a cut above my Spanish, and we don’t generally talk much, but today when she asked me how I was, I told her what I was going through.  She (and the one of her colleagues who was working with her this afternoon) were full of good wishes (many religious, and of a variety that I find problematic), but their concern and support were both obvious and genuine. And we all agreed that every day is precious and every day is Thanksgiving.  I hope I don’t lose my hair.  I want to keep going back.

Meanwhile, the paperwork has reached the doctor who will do the evaluation, but it seems that we have to make a separate request to have the slides sent because the pathology department is separate from the oncology department.  Well, okay.  We’ll deal with that Tuesday when I go in for my infusion.  But really, what a nuisance of administration.  Thank goodness I have a sweetie who takes care of all of that for me.

Otherwise, I spent the morning working, exchanged some fun email with my brother, and generally was productive for almost five and a half hours.  If I’m this energetic tomorrow, I may actually go on a shopping expedition by subway or bus.  My bath pillow needs replacing, and I’d like to get a new one for the weekend’s lavender soak(s?).

What a great day!  Happy Thanksgiving.