February 26

Yesterday morning, still a bit unsteady, we took our early walk.  If I hadn’t known, intellectually, that I could do it, I wouldn’t have gone.  It took me the first quarter of this (not very long) walk to get a sense that my feet and legs would really carry me all the way there and back.  But I made it, and had breakfast, and had my swim.  Again, it was just one lap.  I wanted more, even just floating, but I figured that it would be a long and stimulating day, with a big family dinner at the end of it, and I wanted to husband my resources.

Which is, pretty much, what I did.  I showered and rested (reading and napping) for a while.  I went over to my aunt’s condo, where my brother and sister are staying (it’s two doors away), and looked at the progress on the photo disk we’ve been working on for my folks.  (I haven’t written about it here because Mom reads the blog, and we hadn’t told them about it, but now that we have I can say that a lot of the “organizing” I was doing after our trip here last month was going through many, many photos.

Then I came back to my parents’ condo and rested some more.  Our cousins showed up a little before noon, and I spent some wonderful time with them before I decided I should retreat and rest a bit more.  My stomach wasn’t comfortable.  I’d had an Ensure, but I wasn’t really happy about it, and I finally had a little yogurt for “lunch”.  I rested most of the afternoon, and then got dressed for dinner.  My feet have been slightly swollen, so I needed to change the strap on my sandals to get them on.  This turns out to have had consequences.

It was at the club.  Service was slowish, but (maybe because there were so many people around that the conversation was very lively) not nearly so annoying as last time.  While we were waiting, I thought I’d avail myself of the restroom.  On the way, my right sandal, which I had made much too loose, rotated around my foot and tripped me up.  I went down to the floor most dramatically, and had many, many people (family and staff) in attendance.  I was fine.

I had the calamari appetizer and called it dinner.  I ate only about a third of it.  (I thought it was a huge portion.)  I was getting pretty tired by the end of the meal, but I made it, and I’d remembered to bring the key, so when my brother drove my sweetie and me back in the first car of our procession I was able to let us in.  It was about 8:00.

We sat and talked for a while.  I nibbled part of a yummy cookie that a friend of my parents had made. By then it was late for us.  (After all, we’re normally ready to wind down for sleep at eight.)  So we said good-night.  I don’t know what happened after that among the guests.

But I slept well, and this morning I felt very much steadier when we took our early (and still very short) walk.  And that’s a good thing.  Happy Thanksgiving.