February 8

I managed to sleep pretty well last night, and that was a blessing.  I’m still tired.  (I’m generally more tired these days than I used to be, but after missing a night’s sleep I have more catching up to do.)  I gave up breakfast so fast that there wasn’t even any acid or bile sense when it came up.  I thought of taking an anti-nausea pill, but my stomach calmed down immediately, so I decided to wait and see.  (There’s a pretty fearsome list of side effects for the drug, so unless I really need it, I’d prefer to avoid it.)

At 9:05 I tried calling the office to see what they’d arranged about the pump disconnect; the recording suggested that I call back during office hours (9am to 4pm).  Same at 9:15.  Same at 9:30.  At 9:45 another secretary said that the person I needed wasn’t at his desk.  He wasn’t at his desk most of the day.  It turned out, as Dr. S’s nurse explained apologetically, that they had some kind of even going on, so he was pretty much not availalble.

At about 10, my sweetie and I walked seven blocks to the bank, stopped on our way back at a drugstore and a health food store (where they still didn’t have lavender bath suds or oil or whatever.  I was dropping by the time we got home, but I’d had almost no dinner last night (just a Boost) and had given up my breakfast.  My sweetie got me some organic apple sauce, and I nibbled a little when I got home, but I really didn’t like it much and I didn’t eat much of it.

While we were sitting there the nurse called, apologizing for the delay in returning my call.  The doctor said that Friday would be too soon, and they weren’t comfortable arranging things at a hospital they don’t know, where the staff might or might not be competent to deal with my port.  So she would meet me at 7:00 (or shortly after) on Thursday, 2/23, and just disconnect the pump.  My sweetie will stay in the cab with the luggage and we’ll be able to go straight to the airport.  (This, of course, assumes that the flight isn’t delayed or canceled, but that’s just part of the territory.)

My sweetie left for his museum gig at about noon, somewhat tentatively.  (I assured him I’d be okay.)  I did a bit more work, but the particular item I was working on was making me dizzy, so I stopped and rested, and had a Boost for lunch.  That helped a lot, and gave me no trouble.  At two, the friend who’d agreed to accompany me to the hospital called; I was just about ready to go downstairs to meet her.  I was down there for about five minutes when she came by, and we were at the hospital shortly after 2:30.  They called me for vitals (no blood today; temp was 97.4) at 2:45.  We had only a few minutes to wait; one of the nurses disconnected my pump and we walked out of the hospital at 3:02.  That’s not too bad.

When I got home, I took a shower (yay!) and stretched out.  My sweetie came in a little before 4:30, and soon after that our internist called, having received the status report from the oncologist and touching base with me.  I thought it was good of him to call, but I really didn’t have anything to ask him.  My sweetie, however, was looking for a referral for a therapist, so they spoke.  It was, all in all, a lovely gesture.  We all hope that I have some success with this drug.

We also had an automated call confirming my sweetie’s appointment on Friday with a podiatrist.  It was a busy day for phone calls.

I can’t say that I feel spectacular, but neither do I feel awful.  I’ll see what happens with supper, and if I have problems I’ll probably take an anti-nausea pill.  I’m hopeful that I’ll sleep well tonight, especially with the pump removed.  That would be nice– two nights in a row.  One day at a time.  Happy Thanksgiving.