February 24

Well, we got here.  I was a wreck by the time we arrived, what with the long day, the fact that I was just coming off the infusion, and the general “we’re taking a trip; what all can go wrong?” anxiety.  Actually, not much did go wrong.

We got to the hospital shortly after seven.  I had no trouble going upstairs and the nurse was right there.  She went off to get a kit and one of my favorite infusion nurses, also there early, came in, wondering what I was doing there.  Then Dr. S’s nurse came back, they disconnected me, wished us a good trip and offered congratulations to my parents, and I was off.  The cab wasn’t where I expected it to be, but we found each other and were off to the airport, through the growing mid-town traffic.  It was about 7:15.

The wheelchair was a wonderful idea.  Not only did I get to sit down for check-in and security, but passage through both lines was expedited.  The result is that we were at the gate by 8:30– for an 11:30 flight.  I was dehydrated, so my sweetie bought me some water, and that helped a lot.  I didn’t even feel like reading.  I just sat in the wheelchair.  I didn’t quite doze off, but I sort of floated in a daze.  After a bit, we shared a mango smoothie, and that gave me a little more energy.

The flight took off a bit late and was a little rough at the beginning, but generally not bad.  I had had the inspiration to grab an inflatable neck pillow that we’ve had for at least 30 years, and I found that it kept me very comfortable.  (In fact, my neck and shoulder have been much less painful since the flight.)

We landed exactly on schedule, but were the last ones off the plane.  I claimed my wheelchair, which made other things take longer, because the wheelchair guy had to do assorted chores before he could leave the gate area.  Our bags were already there.  We called my parents in the cell-phone lot.  They didn’t hear us, but– fortunately– my brother was with them and he heard and called us and confirmed our location.

Then we got home, and I pretty much collapsed.  My sweetie did my unpacking.  We made up the bed together.  And that was about it.  I spent the rest of the day dozing, except for supper (rotisserie chicken, two flavors, with very nice sides of potatoes au gratin and corn.  After supper I fell asleep.  At 8:30 my sweetie woke me to take me into the bedroom and I fell asleep again immediately, and didn’t wake until 3:30.

This morning we went out at about 5:45 for a really short walk.  (My sweetie brought me home and then went out again.)  At the beginning I didn’t know whether I’d be able to do it at all, but it did get a little easier as I walked, so I was happy about that.  Now we’ll have breakfast and then go to the pool.

So here we are.  We made it, and are surrounded by people we love (and who love us). Happy Thanksgiving.